Crop protection

In chemically grown crops, there is no resistance power, so the crops are severely damaged. In Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), we create resistance power in the crops, so are not damaged. The God has a miracle gift to all living beings including plants, trees, vines also, that is resistance power. In chemical farming, residues of chemical fertilizers, chemical insecticides, herbicides are deposited in the cells of plant or tree as toxic garbage, this poison (toxins) destroy the resistance power of plant body and they suffer by severe insect attack and disease attack. In Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), the humus is created in the soil, this humus donate resistance power to the crops, plant body and fruit trees. So, no any insect attack or disease attack, if technology of Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) is followed 100%.

There is another defense force of God to save the plants from enemy insects that is friend insects (predators), which destroy harmful insects. The proportion of friend insect is minimum and the proportion of enemy insects is maximum. But single friend insect kill thousands of harmful insects. In Subhash Palekar Natural Farming, we take specific intercrops like Marigold, Cowpea, Maize, Castor, Fenugreek, Coriander, Bengal gram, Onion flowers, Pigeon pea. Holy basil, Beans, Black gram, Radish, Pearl millet (Bajra), Drumstick, which attract the friend insects and honey bees, these friend insects control automatically harmful insects. It is called biological control system.

When you start to practice Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), if you commit some mistake while practicing, then it is possible that, 100% resistance power may not be created in the first year, then you have to spray some SPNF bio pesticides, which are prepared in our farm or home, not to be purchased from market, as Neemastra, Bramchastra, Agniastra, Dashaparni Kashayam (Astra).

Preparation of homemade bio-pesticides –

1) Neemastra (Neem missile) –

Take 200-litre water in cement tank or iron barrel. Add 10 litre of local cow urine (Gomutra) or human urine in that water. Take one pot with small quantity of water, add 2 Kg local cow dung in this pot water, stir it well, so that the dung will be mixed well in the water. Then add this slurry in that 200-litre water of barrel, stir it well by stick clockwise. Take 10 Kg small branches with leaves of Neem tree, cut down in small pieces and add these pieces in this 200-litre water, stir it again well by stick clockwise. Cover the jute gunny bag on the barrel and keep it in the shadow for fermentation for 2 to 4 days. The sunlight and rainwater should be avoided. Stir it every day morning evening twice a day just for two minutes. After 48 to 96 hours, filter it by thin cotton cloth and store it in cool place on room temperature. You can use it up to six months for spray. If the Neem leaves are not got available, then in the place of Neem, leaves, take 10 Kg powder of Neem dried fruits. It controls the sucking pests. You have to spray it as it is; do not mix water during spray of Neemastra.

2) Bramhastra (Brmaha Missile) –

Take one Iron cauldron (Kadhai). Add 20 litre local cow urine (Gomutra) or human urine in this cauldron. Take 2 Kg green leaves small branches, cut down in pieces and prepare pulp (Chutney) and add in the urine, add 2 Kg pulp of the leaves of pongemia pinnata (Karanj) in that urine, add 2 Kg pulp of the green leaves of custard apple in that urine, add 2 Kg pulp of green leaves of Datura plant (Datura innoxia) in that urine, then add 2 Kg pulp of green leaves of Castor in that urine. Now you have added total 5 types of pulp in this urine. Do not use mixer or grinder to prepare the pulp, because in mixer or grinder high heat is created during operation, the medicinal alkaloids are volatilized due to that heat. Use traditional stone mortar and pestle to prepare the pulp. Prepare the pulp in coarse stage, not in refined stage. Then stir this mixture of cow urine thoroughly by stick clockwise. Then keep the cauldron on gas flame and boil it on slow flame up to one boiling only. After one boiling, keep the cauldron for cooling on the ground. After cooling, keep it in the shadow for 48 hours. During these 48 hours, all alkaloids Neembeen, Nimbicidine, Azaractin are dissolved in the urine. Stir it twice a day morning evening just for two minutes by stick clockwise. Avoid the rainwater and sunlight. Keep it 48 hours for fermentation in shadow. Filter the Bramhastra by thin cotton cloth and store it in safe place. You can utilize up to six months. It controls all sucking pests and small caterpillars. 15 litre water + 500 to 600 Ml Bramhastra mix it together and spray. Or 100 litre water + 3 to 4litre Bramhastra.

3) Agni Astra (Agni missile) –

Take 20 litre local cow urine in Iron cauldron, add 2 Kg Neem leaves pulp in that urine, then add 500 gm. Tobacco powder in that urine, then add 500 gm. to 1000 gm. hot chilli pulp and 250 gm. pulp of local garlic in that urine, then add 200 gm. Turmeric powder in that urine. Then stir that solution mixture clockwise by stick well. Then keep that cauldron with all ingredients on gas flame and warm it on slow flame up to one boiling. Hold the cauldron by cotton cloth, lift it and keep on the ground for cooling. Cover the gunny bag and keep it to set for 48 hours. Avoid this Agni Astra from rainwater and direct sunlight. Stir it twice a day morning evening just for two minutes. After 48 hours, filter it by thin cotton cloth, and store it in safe place. It can be used up to 3 months after preparation. 15 litre water + 500 to 600 ml Agni Astra, mix it well and spray. 100 litre water + 3 to 4 litre Agni Astra. Agni Astra controls all types of insects.

You can use all these three medicines 48 hour after preparation. But these three variable medicines for three types of insects are used. So, I thought that whether we could develop only one herbal medicine for all insects? That medicine is developed name Dashaparni Arka. I have given the list of 30 herbs here; we have to select only 10 medicinal herbs to prepare Dashaparni Arka. Dashaparni Arka has limitations, to collect the medicinal herbs is become problem. Agni Astra is the best medicine to prepare and collect the medicinal herbs is easy. Because the Nee tree, Chilli, Turmeric, Garlic, Tobacco are easily available in the market or we can grow in our farm, terrace or surrounding home. Himalayan states and in Western Ghat, Neem is not become available, there they can use Castor or Bitter gourd or any other available medicinal plant as a substitute of Neem.

4) Dashaparni Kashayam –

Take bigger 250-litre capacity cement tank or Iron barrel. Add 200-litre water in it, add 20 litre local cow urine or human urine in it. Do not use urine of buffalo or foreign breeds of cow. Take one another pot to dilute dung in the water, add 5-litre water in that pot and 2 Kg local cow dung in that 5-litre water. Sit this mixture very well by your fingers. When the well slurry will be prepared, then add this slurry in 200 litre water. Then add 500 gm. Turmeric powder in this 200-litre water. If possible, use local Turmeric, which has higher proportion of Curcumin alkaloid. Then take 500 gm. Ginger pulp, please prepare pulp (Chutney) in the mortar and pestle and add this pulp in that 200-litre water. Local Ginger is best having maximum medicinal values and hotness. If not possible to get available, then take 1 Kg improved bigger size Ginger in the place of 500 gm. Then add 10 to 20 gram powder of Asafoetida if possible in that 200-litre water. Then stir this solution by stick thoroughly clockwise, cover the jute gunny bag on the barrel and keep overnight to ferment. Avoid rainwater. Next day morning remove the gunny bag, add 1 Kg coarse powder of Tobacco, 1 to 2 Kg pulp of hot green chilli; 500 gram local Garlic pulp (chutney) or 1 Kg improved bigger Garlic pulp in that 200 litre solution. Then stir this solution thoroughly by stick clockwise, so that all ingredients should be dipped in that solution. Cover jute gunny bag on the barrel. The barrel should not be exposed to sunlight and rainwater, we have to avoid. Next day morning (third day of total preparation period), add 2 Kg leaves of any ten leaves and small pieces of branches of Neem, 2 Kg leaves of Karanj (Pongenia pinnata), 2 Kg leaves of Custard apple, 2 Kg leaves of Datura (Datura innoxia or Datura fastuosa), 2 Kg leaves of castor, 2 Kg leaves of Nirgudi ((Vitex negundo), 2 Kg cut down pieces of Rui (Calotropis gigantea), 2 Kg leaves of Kamarmodi (Tridax procumbens), 2 Kg leaves Parthenium hysterophorus, 2 Kg leaves of Ipomoea fistulosa, 2 Kg leaves of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), 2 Kg leaves of Tulsi (Holy basil or Wild basil) (Hyptis suaveolens), 2 Kg leaves of Marigold with flowers, stem and roots pieces, 2 Kg leaves of Lantana camara, 2 Kg pieces of pieces of Papaya leaves, 2 Kg mango leaves (local Mango), 2 Kg cut down pieces of leaves of Turmeric, 2 Kg cut down pieces of Ginger leaves, 2 Kg powder of dried rind or Pomegranate fruits, 2 Kg leaves of Acacia (Babul), 2 Kg leaves of Drumstick, 2 Kg leaves of Bitter gourd, 2 Kg leaves of Tarota (Casia tora), 2 Kg leaves and stem pieces of Gulwel (Tinospora cardifolia). Take the leaves of any ten herbs through this upper list and add in that 200 lire water and stir by stick clockwise thoroughly. Initial five herbs are most important. Cover the jute gunny bag or cotton cloth on the barrel and keep it for fermentation up to 30 to 40 days in shadow. It should not be exposed to sunlight and rainwater. During every day, morning and evening, stir it just for two minutes clockwise, by binding cotton cloth to the nose. After 30 to 40 days, filer it by thin cotton cloth, store in safe place in room temperature. You can store it for six months and can use at any time during these 6 months. Now this Dashaparni kashayam is become to spray on standing crop. It controls all harmful insects and funguses. 15 litre water + 600 to 700 ml Dahsaparni kashayam or 100-litre water + 3 to 4 litre Dahsaparni kashayam spray on standing crop.

Any herbal medicine become effective, when it is sprayed on the eggs stage or small young stage of insects. So, observe the crop leaves regularly, if there are eggs of insects or small insects are seen on the backside of leaves, immediately spray these medicines. If you will not see any eggs or any attack of insects, do not spray the medicines, not necessary. But on Grape, Pomegranate, Apple, which are more susceptible for insect attack, spray these herbal medicines twice a month without fail, at full moon (Purnima) and No moon (Amawas). These two periods are the critical periods, at which the insects are bear their eggs.

5) Sapta Dhanyankur Kashayam –

Take 100 gm. Sesame seeds in small bowl and add that much quantity of water in the seeds, so that all seeds will be merged in the water. Keep that bowl inside home. Next day morning, take another bigger bowl, add 100 gm. Green gram seeds + 100 gm. Black gram seeds + 100 gm. Cowpea seeds + 100 gm. Moth bean seeds or Lentil seeds + 100 gm. Bengal gram seeds + 100 gm. Wheat seeds. Then mix all these six seeds together and add that much quantity of water in this mixture of seeds, so that all seeds will be merged in the water well. Keep this bigger bowl inside home. Next day (third day) morning, withdraw all seven seeds from the water, take these wet seeds in wet Khadi cotton cloth and hang this cotton cloth seeds bundle inside the home for sprouting. When these seven (including sesame seeds also) types of seed will be germinated and the length of sprouts will be one cm, remove all sprouted seeds through the bundle and prepare pulp (chutney) by the mortar pestle. Do not use mixer or grinder. During grinding in mixer or grinder, huge heat is created and hormones are volatilized. That water, in which the seeds were merged (soaked), should be stored, it is most important part of Sapta Dhanyankur kashayam, so, do not throw that water, keep safe. Take 200 litre water, add 10 litre of local cow urine or human urine in that water, add that stored water in which the seeds were soaked, in this 200 litre water, then add the pulp (chutney) in this 200 lire water and mix it in this water thoroughly by fingers. Stir it by stick and let it to stable. Cover gunny bag and keep it 2 hour for fermentation. Within these two hours, ionic exchange will be finished. Then filter it by thin cotton cloth and immediately or within 24 hour spray it on standing crop at fruit development or seed development period. Do not mix the water during spray, spray as it is. After starting of fruit development or seed development up to pre-harvesting state of fruits or seeds, take 4 sprays of Sapta Dhanyankur kashayam at every 21 days intervals. The first spray should be given after one month of fruit or seed setting started. Due to spray of Sapta Dhanyankur kashayam, the size of seeds and fruits is increased, get beautiful shining on the fruit, the fruit is fully developed, the pedicels become stronger, no fruit fall, increase the taste and flavor. When the seeds are at milking stage, spray Sapta Dhanyankur kashayam 200 litre per acre once a month on the fruits and leaves. Don’t dilute any water while spray, spray as it is. 5 days before harvesting of vegetables, spray Sapta Dhanyankur kashayam.

All diseases will be controlled by Jiwamrita spray only. Do not use sour buttermilk for spray. Only Jiwamrita is enough.