Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) Four Wheels of SPK

Four Wheels of SPK

Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) ratha (vehicle) runs on four wheels (Chakra’s) –

  1. Bijamrita (Seed Treatment)
  2. Jiwamrita (Culture of micro-organisms)
  3. Mulching
  4. Waaphasa (Aeration in the soil)

Bijamrita –

In human civilization good rites on the children is important part, so that in future these children can become gentlemen. Since birth to death, we are doing continuous rites on ourselves and on others also. The main cause of rite is to give the stimulation to good characters and to eradicate or to supress the bad characters, which regulate our line of life. As such the rites or we can say treatment on the seeds is very essential. It is called seed treatment. The real cause of seed treatment is to stimulate the germination and to destroy the disease maker pathogenic bacteria’s and viruses. When the agricultural scientists suggest Bavistin for seed treatment, it is the misguidance of the farmers. You are deliberately committed to purchase Bavistin or any medicine from the market by cutting your pockets. This Bavistin is a copper fungicide, which kill all types of useful and harmful funguses. There are two types of funguses- highly dangerous enemy fungus like Phytophthora and friend useful fungus like Trichoderma, both are belonging on same family Phytomycetese (Ravan and Bhibhishan were belonging to same family). This Bavistin kill the enemy funguses and also the friend useful funguses at the same time. So, do not use any medicine for seed treatment, which is recommended by so called agriculture science.

After ending of rainy season, sometime suddenly the cloudy weather is developed, when air is starting to blow speedily with clouds and create tremendous moisture in the air. With this blowing air, the eggs of disease maker enemy pathogenic bacteria’s and viruses, funguses are coming and are sitting on the surface of the seeds. If you will not treat these seeds and will sow these seeds as it is, these enemy bacteria’s, funguses and viruses are entered in the soil with the seeds. They multiply themselves in the soil. They enter in the roots of pre-matured plants and spread throughout the plant body. As a result, the crops or plants are affected by variable diseases. These diseases are called seed born diseases. To stop this damage, we have to treat the seeds with fungicide and antibacterial medicine. Up to three years I have done the research to develop best medicine to treat the seeds. I was searching that type of medicine, which can be prepared in our home with available raw materials in our home and farm, which will not commit the famers to purchase from the market, which will kill all enemy bacteria’s, funguses and viruses and which will increase the germination percentage. After three years research, the God has given me this type of medicine for seed treatment in my hand and I have given the name Bijamrita.

How to prepare Bijamrita? –

Take 2 litre water. Add 500 ml means half litre local cow urine and 500 gram means half Kg local cow dung in that water. Then add 5 gram edible lime in this water. Then add one pinch live soil from the bund in that water. Then stir it thoroughly by stick clockwise. Cover the jute gunny bag; keep it overnight for fermentation inside home away from rain water. Next morning treat the seeds with this Bijamrita.

How to treat the seeds with Bijamrita? –

For monocot cereals, millets, seeds and vegetable seeds –

All monocot cereals and millets like Paddy, Wheat, Coarse millet (Jowar), Pearl millet (Bajra), Maize, Barley (Jau), all millets like Finger millet (Ragi, Manduwa), Pearl millet (Bajra), Barnyard millet, Brown Top millet, Foxtail millet, Kodo millet, Little millet, Proso millet, all seeds of monocot grasses, monocot vegetables like Chilli, Brinjal, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Lady’s finger, Potato, Cucumber, Elephant’s ear, Onion, Pumpkin, Carrot, Alibanan, Spinach, Beet, Cerely, Capsicum, Coloured Capsicum, Radish, Sweet Potato, Turnip, Yam, Bitter gourd, Smooth gourd, Bottle gourd, Ridged gourd, Snake gourd, Red gourd, Colocasia, Jack fruit, Ivy gourd, Squash gourd, Round gourd, Ribbed gourd; some monocot oil seeds like Cotton, Sunflower, Linseed, Sesame, Castor, Safflower. Also all monocot fruit crops like Mango, Grape, Fig, Walnut, Pineapple, Pomegranate, Guava, Peach, Banana, Watermelon, Muskmelon, Apricot, Rose apple (Jamun), Apple, Orange, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Almond, Custard apple, Mulberry, Date, Palm, Papaya, Amla, Blackberry, Wood apple, Chickoo, Tamarind, Coconut, Areca nut, Jack fruit, Kinno.

You take the seeds of any selected crop through this list of monocot crops, spread it slightly, then add essential quantity of Bijamrita approximately on these seeds, rub the seeds by both hands, dry in the shadow nearest to sunlight, it will dried within two hours, then sow these seeds in the soil.

To treat the dicot crop seeds –

All dicot seeds like all dicot pulses like Green gram, Black gram, Cowpea, Moth bean, Soybean, Beans, Pigeon pea, Pea, Horse gram, Bengal gram, Fenugreek, Ground nut, Drumstick, Berseam, Leucern, all types of beans and other pulses crop, also the dicot vegetables like Cluster bean, Beans, Cowpea, Pea, Fenugreek and other dicot vegetables; also dicot fruit crops Cashew nut, Drumstick, and all other, flower crop seeds, grasses seeds, aromatic seeds. What is monocot and dicot? When you pick up any seed in between the fore finger and thumb and press it with force, if it is not splitted in two parts, remains as it is then it is monocot, but if it is splitted in two parts (colyledons), then it is dicot seed.

Take the seeds of any dicot crop through this list, spread it slightly, add essential quantity of Bijamrita on this seeds approximately, do not rub the seeds, the husk, rind is removed and we do not get germination, only spread out our all fingers of both hands, alter the seeds slowly by these ten fingers, then dry in shadow nearest to sunlight, it will be dried within two hours. Alter the seeds while drying. After drying sow the seeds.

Rhizomes and grafts –

Sugarcane cutting seeds, banana rhizomes, Potato seeds, Garlic, Turmeric, Ginger and other rhizomes.

Take the seed material of any selected crop, dip this seed material in Bijamrita for few seconds, then plant them in the land.

Take the cuttings of branches (Grafts) of Rose, Karonda (Black berry), Sweet potato, Black pepper, Vanilla, Betel vine, Pomegranate, Marigold, Grape, Grape root stock, Drumstick, Gliricidia and all other grafting crops. Take the cuttings of the branches (Grafts) of any selected crop from the upper list, dip the cuttings in Bijamrita for few seconds and plant them. All grafting’s should be dipped in the Bijamrita first and then plant. The cuttings should be selected with three eye buds.

Vegetables –

Those vegetable crops, which seedlings are grown in the nursery like Chilli, Brinjal, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Capsicum, Coloured Capsicum, Onion and other crops like Paddy. These seedlings are grown in the nursery and then are transplanted. But, in the farming of God, in the nature, there is no transplanting. That means, we can sow the seeds straight on the soil no nursery. But, if you want to grow seedlings in the nursery, then treat the seeds first by Bijamrita and then sow these treated seeds on the seed bed in the nursery. Then before transplanting uproot the seedlings from the nursery bed, dip the roots of seedlings in Bijamrita for few seconds and transplant.

Grafting treatment –

Mango, Sapota (Chikkoo), Guava, Orange, Sweet orange, Lemon, Kinno, Malta, Apple, Walnut, Peach, Plum, Apricot, Pear, Mulberry, Cashew nut, Pomegranate, Custard apple, Awala, Coconut, Areca nut, Coffee, Cocoa, Papaya, Ramphal, Laxmanphal, Hanumanphal (Anona), Phalsa, Kokam and other fruit crops. First you have to select those rain fed local varieties of all these orchard fruit crops as a root stock, which are actual drought resistant and wilt resistant and are able to adjust themselves with natural calamities and climate change. Treat the root stock seeds by Bijamrita, sow on the seed bed of nursery. Then, when the seedlings will be transplanted in bags, dip the roots of these seedlings in Bijamrita and then transplant in the plastic bags. When the specific condition for grafting will be developed on these seedlings, then graft the scion stick of selected variety of fruit crop on this root stock seedling, with the hands of better gardener. When you want to plant this grafting’s, remove the plastic bag slowly by cutting the bag by knife; then pick up the graft by left hand, keep the grafting in the centre of pit by left hand keeping the roots hanging in the pit, then add Bijamrita on the roots by any metal pot taking in right hand, then add nursery soil around the grafting in the pit, press the soil by both hands well, let the layer of soil should come 3 inch upon the soil level, give the slope outside, so that rainwater or irrigation water will not be deposited near the stem and roots will not be spoiled. Add Jiwamrita on that soil surrounding the graft, then add 4.5 inch density straw mulching on that soil to protect the roots from external enemies, like blowing air, high rainfall, high heat and cold, insects, birds.

Same methodology should be repeated for all aromatic crops, medicinal crops, floriculture crops. First the seeds of these crops should be treated by Bijamrita and either is to be sown straight on the soil or should be sown on the seed bed in the nursery. Before transplanting, the roots of seedlings should be dipped in the Bijamrita then are to be transplanted. If the grafting’s are to be treated, dip the cuttings of these crops in Bijamrita for few second and then plant. If any other crop, if left in the list, then seeds, grafting’s or seedlings, cutting should be treated by Bijamrita and plant.

Eradication of wilt disease by Bijamrita –

Bijamrita control every seed born disease successfully. After sowing the seeds of crops like Groundnut, Soybean, Beans, Green ram, Black gram, Cowpea, Pea, Bengal gram, dicot leguminous crops, in chemical farming, after some days you will see that some plants are wilted and dried also. When you will uproot those wilted plants, you will see the roots of these plants are rotten. This rotting has been done by so many species of pathogenic bacteria like Fusarium. But in Subhash Palekar Natural Farming, if you will treat the seeds with Bijamrita, you will not get any single plant affected by wilt disease. Because, there are so many useful micro-organisms in Bijamrita, which destroy all soil pathogenic bacteria’s. As such a way, after planting of grafting’s in chemical farming, after some days, some grafted plants start to dry. It is happened due to the great enemy Phytophthora fungus. But, if you dip the grafting’s in Bijamrita and then you plant, you will not see any single graft drying. No! Because, in Bijamrita, there are friend useful funguses like Trychoderma which destroy these Phytophthora like funguses. So, before sowing or transplanting or planting, every seed material should be treated by Bijamrita first, then transplant or plant.

Leaf fall or flowers fall –

Sometimes, you will see that in the crops like Chilli, Brinjal, Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cotton, Castor, Pomegranate, Mango, Grape, Custard apple, Orange, Sweet orange, Coconut, Areca nut, Banana, Papaya, the plants of these crops are becoming yellowish suddenly, then yellowish leaves are fallen down, the flowers and small fruits are fallen down. This great damage is done by one Nematode, which seems like thread. This Nematode suck the juices through the roots in large scale, so, the plants or trees become weak and turns in yellow colour and are dried. There is no 100% effective medicine to control this Nematode with agricultural science. But the God has sent one beautiful medicine Aflaterthonile, a three phase alkaloids, which is created in the roots of Marigold. Therefore in Subhash Palekar Natural Farming in orchard and cotton, vegetables crops, Marigold is taken as an intercrop regularly. I have seen that this alkaloid becomes more effective when we give regular Jiwamrita in the soil and treat the seed, seedlings and grafts by Bijamrita.

Germination percentage –

In chemical farming, when you purchase any seed bag, it is written on the seed bag that seed germination is 55%. Why 55%? Why not 90%? When you sow the seeds in the soil or nursery, you do not get more than 60% germination. Why? Because, in every seed, there are negative forces, like some bio-chemicals which restrict the germination process and we do not get the proper germination. These resistant’s of germination are some anti-germinating Alfa toxins like Trypsin. But, when you treat the seeds by Bijamrita, these toxins are neutralized and you get more than 90% germination. So, it is very essential to treat the Bijamrita to every seed material.

Sathiyo, we have not purchased any inputs from the market to prepare Jiwamrita, Ghanjiwamrita and Bijamrita. We are going to sow the pulses intercrops in main crop, vegetable crops and orchard; so, we get pulses flour in our home easily. For Jaggery, I have given so many alternate like sweet fruit pulp, pieces of sugarcane, sugarcane juice. We can grow this sugarcane on terrace of our home, surrounding of home, on the bank of main canal or as an intercrop in orchard. So, 100% zero budget.

How to prepare Jiwamrita? –

To prepare Jiwamrita, we can take earthen vessel or Iron barrel or cement tank (round shape) or plastic tank. If possible, avoid plastic tank. If it is not possible to get available all these tanks or barrel and if you have no money to purchase it, no problem, you can utilize the pit in the soil. But do not take any loan from bank (authorised moneylender) or actual moneylender (unauthorised bank). We have to prepare Jiwamrita in two qualities according to area of your farm and availability of raw materials, 200 litre capacity and 1000 litre capacity. We can purchase readymade cement tank or we can prepare cement tank in our home also. If possible, we have to use round shape tanks, because, in this vast visible invisible universe everything, may be star, planet, is having round shape. Make one hole in the bottom of tank on one side, insert one pipe in that hole with tap to evaluate the washing water outside the tank after washing the tank by fresh water, after utilization of Jiwamrita. Then at 9 inch above the bottom, we have to prepare one hole to the tank on opposite direction of the first bottom hole, and insert pipe with tap in this hole to take the Jiwamrita. In the bottom solid base culture of micro-organisms is remained. Keep this tank on higher place. Bind one thin cloth to the pipe of filtering the Jiwamrita. Attach one thin net inside the hole to filter. So that Jiwamrita will be filtered twice before it will come out. To gather filtered Jiwamrita arrange one another cement tank on lower level near this big tank. First, Jiwamrita will be filtered by this thin cloth, then it will be gathered in lower tank and then you use this Jiwamrita by using HTP pump to circulate in the crop.

Inputs required for Jiwamrita 200 litre tank 1000 litre tank

1) Water 200 litre 1000 litre

2) Local cow urine (if you have 5-10 litre 25-50 litre bullock, take 50% cow urine + 50% bullock urine, but not alone the bullock urine. Don’t use urine of buffalo or Jersey Holstein. Vegetarian human urine is best, but no urine of non-vegetarian. How much old urine is better.)

3) Local cow dung (100% local 10 Kg 50 Kg cow dung or 50% dung of local cow + 50% dung of local bullock is permitted, but, not alone dung of only bullock. No dung of buffalo or Jersey Holstein. Local cow dung is fresh up to 7 days, we have to maintain moisture.)

4) Jaggery 1 Kg or 4 litre 1 Kg(Jaggery) 5 Kg sugarcane juice, or 10 kg small pieces of sugarcane or 1 Kg pulp of sweet fruit. If possible take naturally grown jaggery, if not possible to get, then use any jaggery.

5) Pulses flour (Cow pea, Pigeon 1 Kg 5 Kg pea, Bengal gram, Green gram, Horse gram) but no flour of groundnut or soybean, as it has oil. No flour of pea also. Pulses flour should be prepared in your home, do not purchase from the market, due to no guaranty of purity.

6) Handful culture soil 1 handful 5 handful


First jaggery should be dissolved in the small water and at the same time, dissolve pulses flour in small quantity of water. Also dissolve the local cow dung in 10 litre water outside of tank with 5 to 10 litre of local cow urine. After this pre-preparation, take 200 litre of water in the tank. Add 5 to 10 litre local cow urine or 50% local cow urine plus 50% bullock urine or 5 to 10 litre vegetarian human urine in that 200 litre capacity tank in taken water. Then add cow dung slurry, jaggery liquid, pulses flour slurry in that tank. Then add culture soil in the tank. Then, stir Jiwamrita by wooden or bamboo stick clockwise, so that all inputs will be dissolved in the water very well. If you have taken 1000 litre tank, then add 1000 litre water, then add 25 to 50 litre of local cow urine in that water, then add 5 kg jaggery slurry and 5 kg pulses flour slurry (prepared first separately) in that water. Then add 50 kg local cow dung slurry and 5 handful soil in that water, stir it well. Then cover the tank mouth by jute gunny bag, it is porous, so, the poisonous gases like Carbon dioxide, Carbon monoxide, Methane, Ammonia will be come out through this porous gunny bag in the air, which are liberated in very small quantity during fermentation of Jiwamrita. Arrange the shadow on the Jiwamrita; it should not be exposed to sunlight and rain water. Stir it twice a day, morning, evening just for one minute. If you are preparing Jiwamrita in large quantity, then you can arrange one stirrer with three blades, which will be operated by hand or one single phase electricity current. Keep this Jiwamrita for fermentation up to 2 days minimum in rainy season or summer, and for 4 days in winter, due to severe cold, it takes more time to ferment. This fermentation process can be continued up to 15 days (one Naxatra). After 2 or 4 days of the starting of fermentation, you can utilize immediately or you can utilize up to 15 days also after initial 2 days. In this span in between 7 days and 12 days, after starting of fermentation, we get topmost count of useful micro-organisms in the Jiwamrita.

One day before the Jiwamrita application will be started, evening stir the Jiwamrita thoroughly. Then do not disturb the Jiwamrita up to next morning. It will become stable in overnight. Next morning the solid base culture of Jiwamrita will be deposited in the bottom of tank and on this solid base layer, there will be second layer of liquid base Jiwamrita, which is to be utilized now. Move the tap slowly, so that filtered Jiwamrita will come out through the tap 9 inch above the bottom. This Jiwamrita will come in the lower tank. Now, only solid base culture of Jiwamrita will remain in the bottom. This solid base Jiwamrita is a beautiful culture of useful micro-organisms, so, we will prepare new Jiwamrita from this solid base culture again, without adding of dung, urine, jaggery and pulses flour in it. Only water will be added in this solid based culture in the tank. After evacuating the first liquid Jiwamrita through the tank, then add 180 litre water in 200 litre tank or 900 litre water in 1000 litre capacity tank. Add only water. Do not add any dung, urine, jaggery and pulses flour in this water. No! Stir it thoroughly by wooden or bamboo stick, cover by gunny bag, keep it in shadow, avoid sunlight and rain water exposure, keep it for fermentation up to 48 hours or 4 days. Stir it twice a day morning and evening just for one minute, we are preparing Jiwamrita from same 10 Kg dung of local cow twice. That means, we get this Jiwamrita two times from same 10 kg cow dung, which was utilized in the first Jiwamrita. Only two times no third time. After evacuation of the second Jiwamrita, add fresh water to wash out the tank and it will come out through bottom tap. When, you will prepare new Jiwamrita, then you have to utilize again local cow dung, urine, jaggery, pulses flour and culture soil. If you want to give 5 litre Jiwamrita per fruit tree, then keep one 200 litre iron barrel or cement tank in the centre of 40 trees or if you want to give 10 litre Jiwamrits per tree, then keep tank or barrel in the centre of 20 trees, so that we can apply Jiwamrita on the surface of soil in between every two trees very easily due to short distance.

How to use Jiwamrita? –

There are three systems of Jiwamrita application –

1) To give the Jiwamrita through irrigation water

2) To add Jiwamrita on the surface of soil in between two lines or two plants,

3) Straight foliar spray on the standing crop.

Ghanjiwamrita (Best alternate) –

In irrigated land, there is no problem to prepare Jiwamrita due to availability of water. But in India, today also, there is 76% dry land, no water, only dependent on rainwater, so, not possible to get water to prepare Jiwamrita. The land is too far away, no well roads, so, not possible to transport the water, no availability of labour, no security to protect Jiwamrita tank, many problems are created in dry land for Jiwamrita preparation. Then, I thought that, we have to give the best alternate for Jiwamrita to millions of dry land farmers; and that alternate should be equal effective in dry land farming, as we get from Jiwamrita. After continuous three years research, the God has given a best alternate for Jiwamrita in my hand, I have given the name Ghanjiwamrita. Generally, there is the mentality of the farmers that to purchase all fertilizers before monsoon starts and use it throughout the year, easy to use. Keeping this mentality in front of my research, I have developed Ghanjiwamrita. Once you have prepared Ghanjiwamrita, you can use immediately or you can preserve it for throughout the year, and can be used at any time. The actual needs of the farmers and availability of raw material, I have developed three types of Ghanjiwamrita, so that the farmers can prepare easily and use resources well.

Three types of Ghanjiwamrita –

1) Local cow dung manure based Ghanjiwamrita

2) Local cow dung based Ghanjiwamrita

3) Gobar gas slurry based Ghanjiwamrita

1) Local cow dung manure based Ghanjiwamrita –

Take 200 Kg dried and sieved local cow dung manure (Farm yard Manure, FYM). Spread out slightly it and add (sprinkle) 10% of total FYM liquid Jiwamrita, means 20 litre liquid Jiwamrita on it, mix it very well by the spade from both sides, arrange heap of this mixture in the shadow, keep it for fermentation up to 2 to 4 days. Avoid the rainwater and sunlight. After 2 to 4 days you can utilize this fresh Ghanjiwamrita immediately, otherwise, if you want to preserve for one year, then, spread it in thin layer after 2 to 4 days fermentation, to dry in the full sunlight. Alter it twice or thrice in a day while drying, so that every particle can get proper sunlight. After complete drying, fill it in the jute gunny bags, bind the mouth of bag by thin rope and preserve it one upon second bag on wooden platform, so that, it will not get moisture through the soil and funguses will not be developed in this Ghanjiwamrita. Once you have prepared this Ghanjiwamrita, you can preserve it for one year and can use it at any time throughout the year. The cow dung manures should be prepared with the dung of local cow and local bullocks only. No any dung of buffalo and Jersey Holstein is to be utilized. It is enough for one acre.

2) Local cow dung based Ghanjiwamrita –

Take 100 Kg local cow dung, if local bullocks are existed, then take 50 Kg dung of local cow + 50 Kg dung of local bullocks. But, no dung of buffalo and Jersey Holstein at any cost. The cow dung powder is prepared in the cow pen, you can utilize it also 100 Kg. No problem! Spread the dung slightly, take one metal pot, add water in it and then add 1 Kg Jaggery powder in it, stir it well. Take another iron pot, add water in it, add 1 Kg pulses flour in that water, stir it thoroughly so that entire flour will be dissolved in the water. Then add the Jaggery liquid and flour slurry on the cow dung. Then add 2 litre liquid Jiwamrita on it as a fresh culture. Do not add cow urine in it, not necessary. Then mix it thoroughly by spade from both sides and arrange heap in the shadow, keep it for fermentation up to 2 to 4 days. The heap should not be exposed to sunlight and rainwater. After 2 to 4 days of fermentation, it will be ready to utilize immediately also. But, if you want to preserve it for long period, then, spread it in thin layer for drying in full sunlight, alter it twice or thrice a day, so that, it will get full sunlight for every particle. After it will be full dried, preserve it in jute gunny bags one upon one on the wooden platform, so that it will not take moisture through the soil and funguses will not be developed. It is enough for one acre utilization. You can preserve it for one year and can use at any time throughout the year.

3) Gobar gas slurry based Ghanjiwamrita –

Thermal power generation stations are burning huge quantity of coal, emitting huge quantity of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for global warming and climate change. Atomic energy is more risky having bad history, but, electricity is essential. So, there are two options to create and to get available electricity for us, which are eco-friendly – Gobar gas based electricity generation and Ethanol based power. Both are related to agriculture sector. So, it is very essential to give the most importance for Gobar gas and Ethanol. Which slurry is coming out through Gobar gas plant, that slurry should not be used for Jiwamrita preparation. But this slurry is to be utilized to prepare Ghanjiwamrita. Dry all Gobar gas slurry in full sunlight, hammer the aggregates by wooden hammer and convert dried slurry in coarse powder stage and preserve it in open or in jute gunny bags. When you want to prepare Ghanjiwamrita, take 50 Kg this dried Gobar gas slurry powder, mix 50 Kg local cow dung in this powder, add 1 Kg Jaggery dissolved in small quantity of water, in this mixture, again add 1 Kg pulses flour dissolved in small quantity of water and add in this mixture. Add 2 litre Jiwamrita as a fresh culture in this mixture. Then, mix this mixture by spade thoroughly with both sides, then arrange heap in the shadow. Avoid sunlight and rainwater, keep it for 2 to 4 days for fermentation. After this fermentation 2 to 4 days period, this Ghanjiwamrita can be utilized immediately on the soil. If you want to preserve it for long period, then ,spread this heap in thin layer in full sunlight. March-April period is the best period (Holi to Akshaya Trutiya) for any Ghanjiwamrita, we get best sunlight. Dry it in sunlight very well. Alter it twice or thrice a day so that every particle can be exposed to the sunlight. After totally drying, preserve it in jute gunny bags one upon one on wooden platform, so that the contact with the soil can be avoided. It is enough for one acre. You can use it at any time throughout the year. The bigger Goshalas are having the best capacity to form big Gobar gas plant and Gobar gas based electricity generation plant, they can sell this power to electricity board or nearest industry. Goshalas can prepare Ghanjiwamrita for selling for terrace gardening in the cities. Goshalas will get the financial earning and terrace gardeners will get both Ghanjiwamrita and Jiwamrita in exchange, the city terrace gardeners will supply fodder or money for fodder to the Goshalas.

How to use Ghanjiwamrita? –

Ghanjiwamrita can be utilized by broadcasting on the soil or by putting handful on the squares before dibbling the seeds and by sowing through bamboo verticle seeder vessel attached to the seed driller or plough or hoe before the last cultivation before monsoon starts or with the seeds after monsoon starts. Broadcast 200 Kg cow dung manure based Ghanjiwamrita or 100 Kg cow dung based Ghanjiwamrita or 100 Kg Gobar gas slurry based Ghana jiwamrita on one acre land with equal distribution, before last harrowing of summer cultivation after premonsoon showers starts and mix it in the soil by last cultivation. If it is not possible to use before last cultivation due to some reasons, then you can use it at the time of seed sowing through the seed driller or through bamboo verticle vessel seeder, front side Ghanjiwamrita sowing and back side seed sowing, so that while sowing Ghanjiwamrita the sown seeds will not be disturbed. Before Rabi crop or Summer crop sowing, this schedule of Ghanjiwamrita broadcasting or sowing or dibbling on the square should repeated with same style. Before dibbling of seed, the vertical and horizontal (adverse) lines are drawn by wooden instrument, so that quadrangular four pointed star like squares are drawn, before dibbling the seeds on those squares add handful Ghanjiwamrita on those squares and then dibble the seeds. When the crop will come on flowering stage, give 100 Kg Ghanjiwamrita (any one) per acre as a buster dose by adding handful Ghanjiwamrita on the soil in between every two plants or by sowing in between two lines of crop. How much result we get in irrigated crop by liquid Jiwamrita, same result is given by solid Ghanjiwamrita in only dry land farming. It is not necessary to use Ghanjiwamrita in only dry land farming, or to use Jiwamrita in only irrigated crops. No! You can utilize both Jiwamrita and Ghanjiwamrita in dry land farming and also in irrigated farming. You can utilize both at once also. No problem.

Mulching – A Saree of holy mother soil

After reading the nature, the constitution of God, we come to conclusion that, mother soil of forests is always covered by the Sari i.e. mulching of fallen leaves and residues of the standing trees and plants in winter and summer. There is no any one-inch soil also without mulching cover. In rainy season, again entire soil surface of forest is covered by green colour Sari, means green plants and vines. No single inch of soil surface is vacant. Why the God covers the soil surface in forest by natural mulching throughout the year? Because the God (Nature) want to protect the soil organisms from external enemies like animals, birds, stormy air, hot sunlight, cold waves, hailstorms and incoming heavy high speed rains. Also, God wants to create humus in the soil by decomposing the natural straw mulching, so that the soil can become fertile and productive. We came on one conclusion that there is a great role, the God has been given to the uncountable soil microorganisms, which create the humus in the soil and to those uncountable local earthworms, which create a great network of holes to the soil, through which holes, entire rainwater is percolated and is deposited in the internal reservoir of deeper soil and also who are casting their cast on the soil, which is the ocean of nutrients. It is a miracle decision of God to give the role to these two angel of God – microorganisms and local earthworms. If you dig out entire soil of chemical farming, you will not see any local earthworm in that soil. But, as you use Jiwamrita in the soil or give the Jiwamrita through the irrigation water, at the fourth day, you will see small earthworms in the soil, at tenth day you will see huge local earthworms inside the soil, when we will give Jiwamrita and will cover the soil by straw mulching. Due to the continuous activities of soil microorganisms and local earthworms, the soil becomes alive. But for the continuous activities of these two angles, to create microclimate in the soil is essential. We have already discussed well about this microclimate. If this microclimate is existed in the soil, then both microorganisms and local earthworms are activated. But, if this microclimate is not existed in the soil, then both microorganisms and local earthworms are not activated, they enter in dormancy (Samadhi). That means, at any cost, to create this microclimate in the soil is essential. For that purpose, we have only one option that is to wear the Sari in the form of mulching on the naked body of mother soil to save the shame and modesty of mother soil. This Sari means mulching. Also, it is our duty to save the mother soil from so many external enemies like speedily blowing high speed stormy air, high speed rainwater drops, hailstorm, hot airwaves, severe cold waves, additional weight on the soil, birds, insects, animals, pigs etc, mulching on the surface of soil is essential. To cover the soil surface by the residues of the crops is mulching. When you burn these residues of crop, you create huge greenhouse gases, which are responsible for global warming and climate change. And when you use these residues of crops in compost or vermicompost or cow dung manure to decompose, again you emit huge greenhouse gases. Agricultural scientist claim that there are eggs of insects in the residues of crops, if you will not burn the residues, the crop will be affected by severe insect attack, so, burn these residues. This claim of agricultural scientists is totally wrong and false. We are creating the resistance power in the plant body through humus, and there is biological control by friend insects in Subhash Palekar Natural Farming, these friend insects eat these eggs and our crop becomes safe. So, do not burn any residue of crop, only use as mulching.

Types of mulching –

Taking in consideration three facts i.e. inputs for mulching, usefulness of mulching and easy availability of straw to the farmers, I have classified mulching in three following types –

1) Soil mulching (Mrida aachadan) means cultivation of soil.

2) Straw mulching (Kastaachandan) means the mulching of residues of the crops.

3) Live mulching (Sajeeva aachadan) means those symbiotic intercrops in main crop which cover the entire soil surface speedily, which absorbs the atmospheric nitrogen and supply to main crops and those intercrops which can grow easily under the shadow of main crops.

1) Soil mulching –

In Sanskrit, the soil is called Mrida, that means Mrida aachadan means soil mulching. Due to continuous severe hot sunlight, the soil surface becomes hot, as a result, the moisture in the surface of soil starts to trans-evaporate in the air, so, cracks are appeared on the soil surface, the soil moisture through the deeper soil is trans-evaporated speedily in the air through these cracks. As a result, the roots of standing crop or fruit trees do not get proper moisture, the growth of the crops is slow down, the leaves turn in yellowish colour, the leaves are dried and are fallen down, flowers and small fruits are fallen down, we face big damage. To stop this damage to stop trans-evaporation of soil moisture is essential, to fill up the cracks by soil is essential, it will be done by soil cultivation. For this soil cultivation, we use plough, cultivator harrow, hoe and sickle. When we take shallow cultivation by bullock driven wooden instruments, the soil becomes aerated, soft with minimum damage to the roots. But when we cultivate the soil by tractor, we damage the roots and soil structure seriously. Due to cultivation, soil moisture trans-evaporation is stopped or restricted in large extend, the rainwater is percolated well and is conserved in the vacuoles in the soil, created by cultivation, the roots get proper air for their respiration and both roots and microorganisms get oxygen for their survival.

There are four causes of cultivation –

1) To aerate the soil

2) To conserve rainwater in the soil

3) To restrict the soil moisture trans-evaporation and

4) To control the weeds

2) Straw Mulching –

Straw means the dried dead bodies of living being means the residues of crops, the sugarcane trash (dried leaves) fallen after harvesting of sugarcane, the green and dried leaves of Banana plant available after harvesting of bunches, residues of all seasonal crops, the residues of cotton, pigeon pea, castor became available after harvesting, dried grass, the cut down branches of Mango tree, Pomegranate tree, Custard apple tree, Grape vine after pruning, the residues of vegetable crops, the fallen leaves of coconut and areca nut, the pruned branches of high density plantation of Apple, Mango, Guava and other orchard crops, the residues of other rest of the crops, the sugarcane residues after crushing for juice, the old flowers, garlands of flower and coconut waste in temples, the residues of vegetables, fruits, boxes of fruits became available in Agriculture Producer Marketing Committee, the old jute gunny bags, become available at grain merchant shops, old cotton cloths and other plant based residues, all these are straw and their mulching means straw mulching. This straw mulching should be covered on the soil surface in between two lines of fruit trees and in between two trees. There should be only 4.5-inch density of straw mulching, so that the air can be circulated under mulching, to get available oxygen to the soil microorganism and roots. Do not use poly mulching at any cost, it is very dangerous. When you purchase the poly mulching paper, your pocket is cut down, poly mulching does not create humus in the soil, restrict the proper aeration near the root zone, severe heat is created in the soil under the poly mulching, as a result, the soil microorganisms are destroyed, the humus creation is restricted. The promoters of poly mulching want not to create humus in the soil, so that the farmers will become committed to purchase chemical fertilizers.

Humus is the fertility, productivity and life force of the soil. That humus is only created by decomposition of two straw mulching. That means, how much maximum period we will cover the soil surface by straw mulching, at the same rate the humus will be created and deposited in the soil. The straw mulching creates the favourable microclimate in the soil automatically, which is required for topmost activities of microorganisms and local earthworms. Straw mulching restrict the trans-evaporation losses of the soil moisture, soil moisture is conserved, also, this straw mulching absorbs atmospheric moisture in large extend and conserve in the soil, which becomes available to the roots of our crop or orchard fruit tree. As a result, in severe drought also, our crop or fruit trees are not dried; they enter into dormancy and when there is raining, they break the dormancy and start to grow again with full greenery. The straw mulching save the microorganisms, local earthworms, fertile soil particles saturated by humus from external enemies like birds, pig, snake, animals, fishermen (they collect local earthworms to feed to fishes), speedily blowing air, high speed stormy heavy rains, hot waves, hailstorms and external pressure on the soil of animals and human. Due to straw mulching cover, the microorganisms, worms, funguses, insects, local earthworms, these all soil microbes multiply themselves speedily because of the microclimate in the soil. Straw mulching restrict the leaves of germinated weeds from getting them the sunlight, due to lack of sunlight, the weeds become yellow and later are dried. That means mulching is free natural weedicide. Due to mulching, the soil erosion is stopped, also the desertification of soil is restricted. Due to mulching, the structure and texture of the soil is too much improved, soil become granular. Due to mulching, the percolation capacity and water holding capacity is increased in large scale. The mulching protects the life force of the soil from incoming harmful ultra violet rays and radioactive radiations, which are coming on the earth with sunlight and cosmic rays. Humus is created in the soil in large proportion by decomposing the straw mulching, that humus supply all essential nutrients to the crop roots, which are required for their body growth and development, to fight with insects and diseases.

3) Live Mulching (Sajiwa aachadana) –

Live mulching means mulching of live intercrops, which are sown in the gap between two lines and two trees, which grow and spread speedily, cover open space, give symbiosis to main crop and give all benefits of straw mulching.