Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) SPK Mass Movement

SPK Mass Movement

How Subhash Palekar started validation of all old agricultural technologies?

I was born on 1st July 1949 at the village Khadaksawanga, Dt- Yeotmal, Maharashtra my maternal uncle house that is now merged in the Bembala dam water. I was born in my that farmer family, which is straight related hereditarily with Sisodiya Rajput of a great fighter against Mughal empire, Maharana Pratap, came in Maharashtra after Haldighat war known as Palekar Patel family, where farming is continued since thousands of years, no any business and service, in my family since thousands of years, three is only farming, 100% farmer family, real farmer, not converted farmer. My one of grandfather was well known freedom fighter in Gandhian freedom movement, who was hanged, the Government of Maharashtra has honoured him as Shahid Smarak in his name. So, if you will test my body DNA, you will get only great affection about farming and nature. So, since my childhood I was too much involved in the farming and nature. When I passed my matriculation examination, with distinction in English, everybody was guiding me to take admission in Arts College, so that I can become master in Arts in English subject. My cousin brother Principal Madhukar Palekar has also pressurized me to go to Arts English literature. But, since my matric education in New High School (Main), Amravati, Maharashtra, I had decided to take the admission in Agriculture College, but it was my firm decision that in future I will not do any service, I will practice farming. My Mother has given strong support by advising me that in which subject we have deep liking since our childhood, that subject is selected by the God, so you have to continue education and skill development in only agriculture, a God gifted subject. Otherwise, you will miss your God gifted path and you will get nothing. It was a correct suggestion. Since our birth, we come with our own path, so, that path takes up to our definite target and aim of our life. The path of Mahatma Gandhi or Mahatma Karl Marx is not our path, they are their own paths, they are showing our possible aims. According to law of biodiversity, every human has his own path; we cannot copy the path of Gandhiji or Marx. Mahatma Guatam Budhha, Mahatma Gandhi or Mahatma Karl Marx were alone nobody can replace them, not born yet. After my matriculation, I had taken admission in Shri Shivaji Agriculture College, Amravati in 1967, which was started by a great freedom fighter and first Agriculture Minister of independent India, Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh, it was my last batch of old course. As I was too much fond of nature, so, during my college education I was doing my research project in the tribal people in Satpuda Mountain in my Amravati district. The subject of my research project was, ‘The impact (impression) of forest environmental variations and symbiosis on the lifestyle of tribal people in the forest’. It was my individual project not funded by my college and my family. Because, it was my madness for the people. From Monday to Saturday College and Sunday in forest.

In my college, my professors were teaching me that, there are no nutrients present in the soil, which are required for the growth and development of the plants. So, you have to use organic manure and chemical fertilizers to the crops every year. Without manure and chemical fertilizers, you cannot get good production. On Sunday I was doing my research work in the forest, where the huge trees in the forest with uncountable fruits without human existence were telling me with their body language that ‘See us, (to trees), we (trees) do not take any nutrients in the form of cow dung manure, compost, vermicompost, Panchagavya, waste decomposer, Go-kripa Amrutam, E M solution, biodynamic compost, Dashagavya, Agnihotra, Garbage enzyme, Organic fertilizers, non edible oil cakes, micro nutrients, Bone manure, Fish manure, Pig manure, Poultry manure and chemical fertilizers from the human being, we (trees) cook our own food, we (trees) do our own protection from insects and diseases our self with the help of our innate immunity power and friends insects, even, we (trees) do not want dam irrigation water, we are growing on only rain water. We have our own water sources given by the God, not necessary your salty, poisonous dam irrigation water. In severe drought also, we are not drying. And we (trees) are giving uncountable fruits on each tree every year without any existence and assistance of human being. So, we (forest trees) do not want your cow dung manure, compost, vermicompost, biodynamic, Panchagavya, Agnihotra, waste decomposer, Go-kripa amrutam, E M solution, Garbage enzymes and also no organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, irrigation water. We are self-reliant’. Now I was in total confusion that within these two, my college professors and the forest tree, who is telling correct truth and who is telling false untruth? Whether my highly qualified intellectual professors are telling lie or forest trees are telling lie? I was entered in big confusion.

At last, I asked specific question to my internal soul that how forest trees can tell lie? Because, they are angels of the God, they are not human, they cannot speak untrue. Therefore, I came on the confirm conclusion that, definitely, my college professors are telling me, what they know, may be lie. At last, I met my college principal honourable Dr H. B. Ulemale Sir and asked my question. He was aware about my forest project; he was having soft heart for me. I asked him, ‘sir, the forest trees are giving me the message that manures and fertilizers are not necessary for their (trees) growth and development and on other side, my professors are teaching me in the college that manures and chemical fertilizers are most essential for better crop production. I am totally confused that who is telling me lie, whether my professors or forest trees?’ After listening my question, he laughed and said, ‘Subhash, what I learned in my college by my professors during my college education, we are teaching same knowledge to you. I have not seen and studied this subject through your view. I have no any answer for your question.’ I have done his foot touch, taken his blessing, returned back on my home at Amravati. Overnight I could not sleep; there were huge questions in my mind. At last, I came on the confirm decision, that if my college professors are unable to satisfy my questions and if they are not having any satisfactory answer, that means, if they are teaching me lie or untrue knowledge on the name of real knowledge, then, it is better to leave my BSc Agriculture education immediately. I do not want to waste my God gifted very valuable creative younger life for this false education, why I am losing my best year of life here? At that moment, I was at last year of BSc Agriculture. At last, in 1971 I have not given examination, and had returned back my village.

Started validation of chemical farming –

After returning to my village and declared in my home that ‘I came forever at home, I have left my college education forever, I do not want any false deceitful and untrue BSc agriculture degree, I will not spoil my God gifted life for this unnatural false education, I will start farming here’. My announcement (proclamation) has created a severe earthquake or says Tsunami in my home, everybody was too much excited. A deep peace, silence, calmness was spread throughout my home. My father (Bapu) has opposed my decision; relatives also were against my decision. The opposition of my father was correct on his line of dreamy expectation from me as an alone son, that my son will become MSc Agriculture, will become officer or lecturer and they will get sustainable economic life. Which farmers life he has accepted, was painful, so my son will not face this type of painful farming life, he thought that nobody farmer is giving his daughter to marry with the son of other farmer, everybody wants government servant son in law, so if my son will become officer, he will not face this marriage problem. My father was thinking on his right track of reality. My announcement was a big shock full attack on his dream, which dream was seen by him since my middle school education at Amravati. But, my mother supported me. She thought that Subhash is alone son, so, what he wants, she has to support. My father was practicing old traditional indigenous farming based on cow dung manure, he was against chemical farming. At that time, chemical farming was just entered in my village. But I have decided to start first chemical farming to validate it whether it is beneficial to farmers and for our national economy or not and what I learned in my college, whether it is true or wrong. Since 1973, I started chemical farming first time in my farming history. What chemical farming was taught by my professors during my college education, I have followed 100%, without committing any mistake in my newly practice of chemical farming. Since 1973 up to 1985 near about 12-year span of my new path of search and research work, my chemical crop production was increased, but, simultaneously at the same speed, the cost of production was started to increase every year. But there was no loss; I was getting so much income deducting cost of production, as net profit, so that I was maintaining very well both farming expenditure and home expenditure through that income. As a result, I was not committed to take the loan from any bank or moneylender. My family was belonging to famous spiritual movement, Warakari sampradaya, which was started by saint Dhnyaneshwar and saint Tukaram in entire Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat, which is based on only vegetarian food, spiritualism, non-violence and truth. Therefore, my family was having simple living with minimum daily requirements but having as a landlord, there was no any display of expensive life style, there was no any addiction of wine or drugs to anybody, mother and myself were and today also I am pure vegetarian, only father (Bapu) was taking non-vegetarian food every Thursday, market day, once a week. But cooking arrangement of meat was separate in separate room and the cooking servant was special. So, there was no any interference in our vegetarian cooking system.

But, since 1985 my production of each crop in chemical farming, so called Green Revolution was started declining every year continuously and simultaneously at the same time, the cost of production of each crop was started to increase every year continuously. So, the farming losses were started to increase. It was a shocking experience to me and my father (Bapu). As a result, the losses were increasing every year. As a result, I was committed to take the loan from district co-operative bank and sometime from moneylender also to compensate every year deficit (losses). When I was become totally impossible to return the bank loan, the bank has taken legal action against me by taking seizure of my house at home Amravati city and seized my T.V. set. That action was too much shocking to my whole family, we were totally disturbed for long period. Since 1985 incoming financial losses has opened my eyes and I was come on the last conclusion that this green revolution is not a revolution, it is a pre-planned conspiracy of invisible global exploiter system to exploit the farmers, rural economy, national economy and natural resources is not supporting to the farmers, is strengthen the economy of banks and moneylenders. So, at last I have taken decision to stop immediately this chemical farming and stopped it forever. Then, there was a Himalayan question in my mind, which technology will be the best alternative, in the place of chemical farming, so that, farmers will become sustainable loan free. I thought that, whether ancient traditional indigenous Go aadharit cow dung manure based farming, which was practiced by my father and by my ancestors since thousands of years, should continue again or any other alternative technology in the place of this cow dung manure based traditional farming? I started to come on the expected decision.

The definition of rural development should be changed –

Sathiyo (friends), today we are seeing the horrible corpse (dead body) of ancient self-sufficient rural economy, which was destroyed by responsible universal invisible exploiter system with the hand of our own decision maker’s policies with pre-planned conspiracy. Now development model of western economics has come in the villages. There is dramatic change in the village structure today. In the village, the beautiful roads are constructed, marvellous Grampanchayat office, fantastic school building, handsome hospitals, lovely play grounds, twenty four hours electricity, pollution free pure drinking water, pretty community hall, big godown, beautiful temples, mosque, church, math or gurudwara, TV in each home, mobile in each hand, so many motorcycles, cars, in each home there is latrine and cooking gas, everything is marvellous. So, this village is called ideal village. The village is becoming heaven physically but becoming cemetery for farmers and jobless youth, who do want to leave this so-called developed village. After seeing this scene of heaven like developed village, every comment- it is an ideal village having real rural development (Gram Vikas). All rainwater harvesting works are done; all expected facilities are ready to give best service to the village farmers and labours. The all governments are involved in this so-called rural development with hundreds of variable schemes. Everybody will comment that it is an ideal village (Aadasrha Gram). I heard that village development is national development. My question is that for whom this rural development is doing and an ideal village is developing? For whom you are developing this western model of development? Those villagers, farmers, labours, youth are leaving the village speedily and are migrating to the cities, from these ideal villages of like Ralegansiddhi of Maharashtra due to great losses in the chemical farming, organic farming, Veda’s farming and Yogic farming, mountain of loans on the head and continuous hanging sword of suicide on the neck, no honour in the society, no any farmer family is agreed to marry his daughter with the farmer son of other farmers. Till 40-year age, youth are not married. It is a severe social problem. The farmers are thinking that if they will stay in the village, definitely there they will have sure chances to commit suicide, nobody wants to die by committing suicide, everybody want to survive, not possible in this well-developed ideal village to survive by continuing chemical farming and organic farming. So, every youth is migrating speedily towards cities. Hundred-acre land holder farmers son says to his father, that he (Son) will go to city, will do any labour work in city, will rub off the cooking vessels and pan in any hotel in the city, will do hard work under building construction in the city, but at any cost, he will not stay in his village and will not continue his chemical farming and also organic farming. May be chemical farming or organic farming, both are giving great losses, every year farmers are committed to take the loan from banks and moneylender, the standing crop is destroyed due to continuous increasing natural calamities due to climate change and by continuous fluctuating market rates and anti-farmer export import policy of government. As any crop production is started to harvest, immediately the Governments are importing this produce and stop the export of that harvested produce. As a result, the market rates of those produces are fallen down. Is this fault of the farmers? As a result, he cannot return back the loan, government is giving limited loan waiver, but the loan of moneylender is not included in loan waiver scheme. So, loan is increasing every year, become totally impossible to return back the loan. Then their constitutional action on the farmer to return back the loan, i.e. property seizing action by the banks or moneylenders, direct action with the help of laws, with the help of bank recovery officer taking the protection of police.

Which farmer was living in the village with great honour, respect, because of his social work in that village, giving moral and financial support to villagers in their difficulties, taking the lead to maintain the communal harmony and is involving devotedly to develop the structure of village, but, by continuous losses in the chemical farming, cow based (Go aadharit) farming, chemical free (Rasayan mukta) farming, sustainable farming and organic farming every year, not able to return back the loan to the bank or to the moneylenders at any cost, become helpless. That farmer is targeted by bank loan recovery officer team or moneylender by property seizing action in front of family members and all villagers. This legal but inhuman immoral seizing action creates a great insult, dishonour, humiliation, mortification, in the mind of targeted farmer in front of family members and entire villagers. He becomes totally helpless, becomes totally baseless, becomes totally collapsed mentally, is collapsed emotionally, becomes totally unable to confront his eyes with the eyes of family members, villagers, at last enters in that emotional whirlpool in deep mind and mind become deliberately committed to take the decision of suicide and finally commit suicide. Who is responsible? Farmer, No! Real responsible is chemical farming and organic farming technology, human made natural calamities, human made climate change, market and government policy about import export. That means invisible universal exploiter mega system is 100% responsible. This was happened with me also during my chemical farming, I have faced that my property seizing action by The Amravati district co-operative bank recovery officer on my Amravati home in my absence, as a result, my family collapsed mentally. I ask those supporters of so called western type of village development, for whom this rural development? For whom this ideal village?

My hundred salutes to Hon. Shri Anna Hajare ji for his world famous great ideal work of rainwater harvesting, banning on the deforestation, banning on the free grazing and for his fruitful social movement. I have great honour about him in my internal soil. But, I cannot agree with the claim that his village Ralegan Siddhi is an ideal village. Because, with the help of Government financial supports and schemes, with the help of funding agencies and industries, may be any village Sarpanch will construct best roads, Grampanchayat Office, beautiful school, hospital, godown, playground, community hall, 24 hour pure drinking water and electricity, latrine and cooking gas in each home and all facilities are available for villagers. But, Ralegan Siddhi is not self-sufficient village. All farmers of this ideal village are purchasing hybrid seeds, GM. seeds from the cities, are purchasing truck load of chemical fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides from the cities, are purchasing tractors and instruments from the cities, are purchasing organic fertilizers, manure, vermicompost from outside village, are purchasing non edible oil cakes, animal feeds from the cities, are purchasing white sugar, jaggery, sweets from the cities, are purchasing clothes, shoes, foot wears, cosmetics from the cities, are purchasing edible oil, human medicines, soaps, brush, paste, shaving kit, coffee, tea, pickle, readymade food items and maximum daily needed grocery commodities from the cities, are purchasing electricity from board, are purchasing everything from the cities and every year millions of rupees are going outside through Ralegan Siddhi to the cities. This is not a characters or standards of ideal village (Aadarsha Grama). This village exploitation is not called as ideal village. We have to change the definition and structure of rural development and ideal village. Only alone government schemes based, industry funding based, national international funding agency financial support based rural development is not actual rural development. Without self reliant, self sufficient agriculture development, any rural development is useless, vain, and fruitless. Because emergence of income money and wealth is happened in only agriculture self-sufficiency, not by dependant rural development on government and industry and funding agency support. We have to join agricultural development with rural development, and then villages can become ideal. There should be our slogan – ‘The money and wealth of the village will not go to the cities from the villages, but, the money and wealth will come to the villages from the cities, villages will become 100% self-sufficient, all natural resources of the villages will be in the ownership of only village parliament-Gram Sabha, the justice will be done by village supreme court- Gramsabha in the village only, not in the taluka court, District court, not in High court and Supreme court, all natural farm produces will be processed only in the villages and will be sold straight to the consumers in the cities without any middle man or middle agency. The electricity generation will be done in the villages. Entire self-sufficiency. There should be local seed multiplication and conservation in the village along with conservation and breed development of local cows.

Also, there should be big village tank and farm ponds in each farm in the lowest corner of farm for conservation of rainwater, which are to be developed on war level. Today the irrigation water is given through the big or small dams and through canals. These dams and canals are open, as a result, due to increasing hot sunlight the conserved water of dam and flowing water of canal is speedily trans evaporated. As a result, there is a huge reduction in water level, so, less irrigation water is become available for irrigation. This irrigation loss is become severe problem. To restrict the great water loss, we can arrange the great internet of huge quantity of floating light boats on the water surface of dam water reservoir, which will be joined together on entire water reservoir, so that water trans-evaporation will be stopped. Also, we have to arrange solar panels on all boats, so that we can harvest solar energy by the solar panels and convert this solar energy into electrical energy and this electricity can be sold to National Electricity Board. On one square kilometre water surface or open land, may be hard rock, we can generate 20-megawatt electricity. May be this electricity will be costly that thermal power plant energy. But, when we calculate the value of great losses of irrigation water of dam water reservoir and canals by hot sunlight, the cost of this lost water is much more than the cost of thermal power. These thermal power generation plants burn the huge coal, by which huge quantity of greenhouse gases are emited, which are responsible for global warming and climate change. This cost of huge damage of natural resources by climate change is too much higher than the cost of solar panels and boats. So, this solar energy, which will be conserved by solar panel on boats, will be too much cheaper than Thermal Power. Per unit generation cost of thermal (coal) energy is too much high. But the sun is giving huge per square foot area 1250 kilo calory solar energy per day free of cost. We want only conversion cost. When the coal stock existed in the stomach of earth will be finished in earlier incoming years, then there will be no Thermal Power available, what a severe energy shortage crisis will be created ? To avoid this shortage crisis and dependency on coal, this my solution of boat solar panel is to be followed as early as possible.

When the irrigation water, which is flowing through open Canals is trans-evaporated in huge quantity by hot sunlight and the crops are not getting sufficient water for irrigation. The management of canal is too much costly, the Canal water is stolen by big landholder farmers for their irrigation, small farmers do not get proper irrigation water. In that flowing water of canals, the people are washing their cloths, animals and are polluting the water. To stop this huge loss it is very essential to supply entire irrigation water through a big network of pipes from Dam water reservoir to straight crop. The cost of this pipe system is too much cheaper than the cost of water losses by trans-evaporation of irrigation water by sun heat, management cost of canals and theft or thievery of irrigation water. But there should be top most quality of pipes, there should be no any corruption. There should be a continuous chain of small dams on every 5 km distance on all rivers, the flowing flood water should be stored in these small chains of dams in rainy season bottom to top, the excessive flood water should be pumped in rainy season and should be supplied to all wells, tube wells, tanks, farm ponds, so that these water resources should be recharged towards deeper water reservoir by only pipelines. So that the floods should be controlled and proper supply of irrigation water to the crops can be maintained.

There should be equal distribution of irrigation water on the equal area in between each farmer, may be hundred acre land holder or one acre land holder farmer. How much irrigation water is getting available to small one acre land holder, only that much irrigation water for only one acre irrigation land to 100 acres land holder big farmer also. Rest of 99 acre land of this big farmer will remain dryland. All water resources are created by the God, not by human being, water is given by only monsoon, the water cannot be created by human. The God has given water to equally distribute to all farmers, not for only big land holders. But reality is different. Hundred acre land holder big sugarcane grower farmer use maximum irrigation water by using his political power. But, hundreds of small landholder farmers are not getting irrigation water, are neglected, are become unable to get their human right. For avoiding this social crime and to save human right of small farmers, it is very essential to start equal distribution of irrigation water campaign. For that purpose, there should be constitutional amendment. If it is the reality that monsoon is not the servant of big landholder, monsoon rainwater is not created by big landholder farmers, then why they are creating exploitation of small land owners or of the agriculture labours, who are taking the land on lease also. Equal distribution is God created system. Where there is irrigated sugarcane plantation there is huge unessential use of water, we can save this 90% irrigation water by practicing Subhash Palekar Natural Farming, by keeping 6 to 8 feet distance in between each two sugarcane lines and plants. In the internal space belt in between two lines and plants, we take all intercrops which supply all food material, essential for daily diet. This SPNF practice is to be done compulsory to all Indian sugarcane growers. In this 6 to 8 feet sugarcane belt, we can grow sugar beet crop also, so that it can be utilized for sugar manufacturing or natural jaggery manufacturing. This naturally grown sugarcane should be utilized to manufacture natural jaggery powder, by using only lime and lady’s finger plant juice, without using any chemical hydrous powder in small farm level or village level jaggery manufacturing cottage industries, so that village jobless youth can get the local level jobs and Indian people can get poison free alkaline nutritious and medicinal jaggery sugar powder for their food purposes, to avoid blood sugar, diabetes, heart problems, high blood pressure, cancer and all other diseases. Chemically manufactured white sugar, which is manufactured in sugar mills from chemically grow sugarcane is acidic, fiber less, nutrition free harmful poisonous to human health. The naturally grown sugarcane or sugar beet should be utilized to manufacture Ethanol on farm level, not in big industry, so that we can become self-sufficient in fuel, can create local jobs and can avoid global warming and climate change by avoiding emission of greenhouse gases by avoiding big industries and transportation. In each village, there should be God reserve forest (Dev Rai) in which we have to create prosperous biodiversity of fodder plants, animals, insects, birds and soil microorganisms. There should be totally ban to graze any livestock animal in that reserve forest, to cut down any plant or tree and to cut green grass should be banned. We have to arrange the tank or pond in this reserve village forest with full of water throughout the year, to get available sufficient drinking water to the wild animals, birds in that forest. In Summer we have to supply water in this forest tank or pond by pipeline or by tanker. All these things should be managed by Gram Sabha means local village body with the financial support of state governments. This local village God reserve forest will give available sufficient fodder, water to the entire wild animals, birds, monkeys and insects throughout the year, so that these wild animals, monkey and birds will not attack the crop of the farmland and human residential system. This God reserve village forest will be the lungs of village environment, so that it will absorb additional carbon and pollutants through the air and the air will be purified, the village environment can be protected from pollution and this forest will conserve maximum rainwater in the stomach of the earth to recharge the internal water reservoirs. Since thousands of years, each Indian village was having this type of God forest, British government had destroyed it. Again, we have to the generate it.

Justice should be given by only village Supreme Court that means Gram Sabha, justice for villagers should not be given outside village, in city level Court. Nobody villager or village labours, farmers, businessmen of villages and work class of cities can bear huge fee of lawyer or advocate to get real natural justice in Taluka Court or District Session Court or High court or Supreme Court; cannot be bear travelling expenditure to attend continuous hearings in the court. If this class want to bear this consultancy fee, Court fee, lawyer fee, definitely they will deliberately become committed to sell their property, land or ornaments or they will be committed to take the loan from banks and moneylenders. So also, you will get decision not really justice. Because the court does not know reality, which is happened in the villages, due to closed eyes of the justice goddess by bound strip of cotton cloth on the eyes. Which evidences and pleaded speeches of lawyers or advocates are given to the honourable judge, actually these evidences are not seen by Court, not possible also, so depending on these evidences, it becomes 100% impossible to give the 100% justice for any Court. Because which evidences are given to court by law lawyers and advocates, these evidences are not seen actually face to face by these lawyers for advocates, what the information and documents are given by the clients, are taken in understanding by lawyers or advocates. But in the villages, everybody knows the reality and that reality is verified well by Gram Sabha, a Supreme Court of village, so the villagers get real justice.

All the necessities and demands of all villages should be fulfilled only in their villages, there should be self-sufficient village economy. for that purpose, that five-layer mixed crop pattern should be adopted in only Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), which will give available all food materials to all villages and will give maximum raw material for village food processing industries. These agricultural produce processing small home Industries should be started in each home of farmer or in only villages, not in the cities, so that local jobs can be created for jobless rural youth. These small Cottage processing industries have to use solar energy, gobar gas energy, Ethanol for their energy consumption. All natural poison free, nutritional and medicinal agriculture produces and processed food products are to be sold only to urban consumers as door delivery without any middleman or commission agent on those cost of products, which will be fixed only by only producer farmers, as it is their constitutional right, so that producer farmers can get best economical earning and local rural jobless youth can get new creative jobs to supply the SPK products as door delivery in the cities. By this self-manufacturing and self-selling self-reliant system, the money and wealth of the villagers will remain in the villages, villages will become economically prosperous, the money and wealth will not go to the cities, so that the gap between rich and poor can be minimized. But when the SPK farmers will sell their additional (more than their family consumption) Produces and food products will be sold to the city consumers, then automatically the money and wealth of the cities, Mega cities, towns will come to the villages. As a result, rural economy will be strengthened, the new capital which is required for starting new village cottage industries will be automatically generated through this selling process. So that the village Cottage small food processing industries will not deliberately committed to take the loan from bank and moneylenders and will not enter in the trap of government subsidy. There will be ownership right on the wealth of village, sand of rivers, the forest produces, water of rivers, minerals in the stomach of village area, forest trees, plants and vegetative resources, all natural resources will be only in the ownership of those villages, not of governments. Government will purchase all these village resources from Gram Sabha by giving market rates. The village Parliament means Gram Sabha will take their own decisions for village activities, there will be no any influence or interference of the government in this decision making process. So that real establishment of village ruling means Gram Swaraj, village self-reliance means gram swavlamban, village justice means gram Swayam nyay and village prosperity means gram Samruddhi can become easily possible. Because every resources (food), water, air, wood and raw material for urban Industries, cotton, Silk, sugar, jaggery, energy, milk, curd, Ghee, plant-based medicines (Jadi Buti), all these natural resources are coming in the cities every day only from rular area villages. India nation is not constituted by only cities and megacities, real India is constituted by only 0.65 million (6.5 lakh) villages. Because, villagers create natural resources and cities megacities destroy the natural resources. Since 12 thousand year available global history says that in this thousands of year passed time, all ancient cities and mega cities are become desolated, destroyed or become barren as Harappa, Mohenjo Daro, Kali bangan, Patliputra and all other human Civilization old cities. But the villages, village culture are not destroyed in this 12 thousand year history period after last ice age, they are stayed as it is without any damage. So, the nation is constituted by only 0.65 million Indian villages not by Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Thiruvananthpuram, Kolkata, Pune, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Patna or any other megacities and cities. When these 6.5 lakh (0.65 million) Indian villages will become self-reliant, self-sufficient, prosperous, rich, then automatically nation India will become self-reliant and prosperous. The villager will create their own natural cold storages to store their SPK produces and processed products for long period without using any electricity and subsidy.

There should be strictly constitutional prohibition or ban on liquor, smoking, tobacco, drug, glambling, speculation and non-vegetarian food. These are the root causes of destruction of rural healthy society and constitution of family life. Allopathy medical science does not finish the root causes of the diseases, gives temporary relief, but create hazardous side effects due to its unnatural chemical base. So, in the rural area, top priority should be given to plant based Ayurveda (Jadi Buti) and micro-level Ayurveda means sukshma Aayurveda means Homeopathy. Second priority is to be given to Allopathy. The village level gram panchayat election should be banned. This gram panchayat election has finished the communal harmony and social brotherhood and rural economy. Gram Sabha is the real parliament of village, which is nominated by all villagers unanimously. The pollution free pure drinking water, electricity, primary education in only mother language, playgrounds for each school’s, high school and colleges, best health services, proper government grazing land for grazing of livestock animals, skill development of youth, local seed producers groups, local cow breeders development, best healthy bullocks development, local community Dal mill for small individual Dal mill, small wooden cold oil pressing mills, small village level cotton to cloth manufacturing cottage industry, silk industry and all other natural food products manufacturing units and processing units, all these programs or small projects should be started in the villages on individual level or community level. All raw materials required for this cottage industries should be produced and manufactured in same village, the village level training campaign should be arranged for jobless youth about these processing or manufacturing skill and education. Every village SPK processed food products should have their own brand for trading.

In the school, college or University syllabus, from 5th standard up to graduation, curriculum of studies will be Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), why poison free, nutritious medicinal natural vegetarian food, why pollution free water and environment, why medicine free human life, agricultural produce processing skill and technique, marketing of SPK produces and food products, all these subjects should be included in the syllabus on 100% scientific and spiritual base. So that the all students can be attached with SPK farming, nature and environment straight. On other side, we have to constitute the variable WhatsApp group of those top committed farmers, who are practicing Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK), are doing their own processing and are selling their products straight to the city consumers. At the same time, we have to constitute the WhatsApp group of those City consumers, who are trained in Back to Nature workshop and are ready to purchase SPK produces and food products on the rates, which are fixed by both producers and consumers. The both group Producers and Consumers will be tied Together by middlemen free marketing system. Then this will be a combined big family of producer farmers and purchaser consumers with great faith and regard about each other. The producer farmers will give the door delivery of natural produces and processed food products straight the city consumers. On other side, every Sunday, city consumers will visit SPK farmers farms for full day. For that purpose, they will start morning to the farm with their vehicles taking their and excessive noon lunch food, water, camera and fieldwork instruments like mattock, spade, Axe, sickle, pans for doing their own labour work as a gift and will reach the model farm 10 morning. During 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. noon, three hour they will donate their labour for rainwater harvesting and watershed Management in the farm or in that village. At noon 1 p.m. all the lunch food of all participants will be gathered together and they will take community group lunch. Then afternoon 14:00 to 16:00 two hour discussion with the farmers, question answer session. Then the visitor consumers will harvest the SPK produces by their own hands, will take the weight and will pay the price, also will purchase Jiwamrita and Ghanjiwamrita for their terrace gardening and evening 6 p.m. they will return back to the cities with invaluable life partnership with the nature, natural farmer families. Everyday morning evening both producer farmers and city consumers will discuss on their WhatsApp groups and will exchange the question answers, suggestions, experiences, reactions, information to each other. Also, they will fix the door delivery time and area so that everybody will become ready before delivery time. This mutual understanding and symbiotic joint family life create love, faith, trust, belief, Reliance and dedication about each other with strong base. All these symbiotic family activities will create a big mass movement later on.

Organic Farming is not Indian Swadeshi Farming; it is a foreign conspiracy –

During this period (1986-87), there was a wide spread discussion about organic farming throughout India. So many non-government agencies (NGO’s) have started the promotion of organic farming. I have participated in the workshops about organic farming organized by some NGO’s and listened with full concentration, and started to study minutely. During my study, I came in close contact of some NGO’s, the project directors and their farmers in Maharashtra. They became my close friends. After detail study of organic farming and activities of these Non-Government Agencies (NGO’s), I found that, not all, but maximum NGO’s are getting millions of rupees funds from national international funding agencies for promoting organic farming technology. That measns this funding is the oxygen for these some NGO’s (not for all, so many self-service NGO’s are not taking any funding). This organic farming technology having 8 inputs – as compost manure, vermicompost manure, bio-dynamic culture compost (cow horn culture), E.M. solution, and now a day’s latest west decomposer, Go kripa amrutam, Panchagavya and garbage enzymes. These all eight inputs of organic farming are not Indian Swadeshi techniques, but are 100% foreign (Videshi) techniques.

Developer of compost manure Dr. Albert Howard was British Scientist, not Indian scientist; it is developed not in India, but in England. So, compost manure is not Indian Swadeshi Technique, it is 100% foreign (Videshi) technique. When Dr Howard has developed this technique in England, he has given the name organic farming for compost technology first time in history of global agriculture. Organic farming name also is not Indian name; it is an English name, which is then spread out throughout the world. This organic farming name is translated in Hindi as Jaivik Kheti, in Marathi- Sendriya Sheti, in Gujarati- Sajiv Kheti, in Kannada- Sawayava krishi, in Telugu- Sendriya Vyavasayam, in Tamil- Angaga velanmai, in Malayalam- Jaiva Krishi, some NGO’s have given the name Sustainable Farming. That means this organic farming is deifferent than indigenous cow based farming. Because, old cow based farming is based on cow dung manure and organic farming is based on compost manure. It is 100% truth that this organic farming is not Indian swadeshi farming, it is 100% foreign British farming. But, in India, swadeshi nationalism movement leaders are promoting this british organic farming as Indian swadeshi farming technique. No clearity, totally confused people. On the tongue swadeshi and in practice videshi. As per the order of British Prime Minister, Dr Howard came in India to promote his Organic farming technique to the Indian farmers. At that time, India was under British Empire ship. He had visited India; studied minutely Indian ancient indigenous traditional cow dung manure based farming, and compared it with his British organic farming technology. He had taken so many trials of compost manure in India to exhibit to the farmers; at last he had sent one report to British Government about his work in India. In that report Dr Howard says that, after minute study of ancient Indian indigenous cow dung manure based farming in India, I (Dr Howard) came on the conclusion that comparing to British Technology organic farming means compost technology, with the indigenous Indian cow dung manure based farming, then it is found that this Indian indigenous farming is topmost beneficial and practical than British organic farming. Now not necessary to accept British Compost Organic farming by Indian farmers, but it is now essential that British farmers should have to accept this Indian ancient indigenous farming technology. So also, some NGO’s and social and spiritual organizations started to promote his compost organic farming in India. Very sad.

Then I have decided at that time to investigate this organic compost farming on my farm, to verify whether this European organic farming can become best alternate in the place of chemical farming. According to Dr Howard, I have dug 10 feet long, 6 feet wide and 3 feet deep pit and dried it in sunlight for 2 days. Then in the pit in the bottom, I have added 1-foot layer of dried crop residues, then added by hand the liquid based cow dung slurry on that residue layer. Again added 1-foot layer of crop residues on first layer and again added slurry. In this way, the layer of crop residues came 2 foot upon the pit bank level. Then entire surface of this heap of residues was covered by cow dung slurry. For availability of crop residues, I was committed to cut down all weeds or plants on the bund of farm, to cut the all plants of both side of the road, waste fodder of animals, to collect the residues of cotton crop and Pigeon pea crop and also to collect the residues of grasses from nearest area. For this collection of plant residues, lot of labours were utilized and lot of money was spent as a wages of the labours. My villagers were observing my madness as Fukuoka trials. After six months, I have removed this half-decomposed compost from through the pit, dried it in the sunlight, it was too hot, later it is cooled down. Then again, I have filled that pit with this removed half-decomposed residues compost, then I have covered entire surface of heap by cow dung slurry. Afterward, in May first week, I removed entire decomposed compost manure through the pit and spread out on 10 Guntha means 10 R land, means quarter acre area land and mixed it in the soil by harrowing. I found that first year after applying this compost on 1/4th acre land, I got only 10% increase in the production compared to neighboured plot, on which no any manure, no compost was utilized, it was a control plot. Next second year that plot has given 25% less production. If for only quarter acre land, I was committed to lose too much energy, residues, labour and big money and huge efforts were required, then, if I want to utilize in my all 40 acre land, I will commit to dig 40 x 10 = 400 pits and proportional huge quantity of crop residues and labours. How it is possible to get available this much quantity of the residues and labours? And what about money? Totally impossible, at last I came on the confirm decision, in the sleep also, I will not use this compost manure and organic farming.

Organic farming destroys fertility of soil and increase global warming –

Humus means fertility and productivity of the soil. The roots of every plant take all the nutrients only through the humus. So, humus is the food stock of plants. Humus is created by uncountable useful bacterial species. These microorganisms create humus by decomposing the dried crop residues near the roots of plants. For that purpose, to create humus soil should become saturated by the microorganisms. When the microorganisms decompose the residues straw while decomposing process, they get the energy for their activities through the raw sugar secretion through the roots, which was prepared by the leaves with photosynthesis process and was fed to the microorganisms. The leaves send 25% sugar (Carbohydrates) of total prepared food sugar to the roots for feeding to those microorganisms that create humus. That means, if we want to create humus in the soil, so that soil can become fertile and productive, then it is very essential to cover the soil surface in between two rows of crop or in between two plants by crop residues straw mulching forever near the roots of plants, so that root will feed sugar to the micro-organisms and micro-organisms will feed the food to the roots through humus. In the nature, humus is created only with the help of great symbiosis in between the roots and microorganisms, as roots feed raw sugar to the microorganism and microorganisms feed food nutrients to the roots. That means, when there is this exchange of energy and food, then humus is created nearer to the roots, not outside the root zone. But when you utilize the all crop residues for compost preparation in the pit outside the roots, you get compost manure, you do not get humus. Because, the humus is created near the roots, not outside the roots, in the pits or industries. After total completion of crop residues decomposition process, in the pit then you utilize this compost on the soil. As it is totally decomposed outside the soil, so there is no any work for soil microorganisms, due to lack of energy they die. Second thing when day time temperature starts to increase above 28℃, then as temperature is increased, entire carbon through this compost is liberated, by decomposition of carbon saturated organic matter by Actinomycetes microorganisms and it is coming in the air, in the air this carbon is combined chemically with oxygen in the air, as a result, by this carbon oxidation process, carbon-di-oxide gas is developed. It is coming in the atmosphere, residing in air for 120 years, it is a greenhouse gas, it absorbs heat through incoming sunlight and outgoing heat from earth surface to air, the temperature of carbon-di-oxide is increased, as it is greenhouse gas, as a result global warming is increased. What are doing this government department of agriculture and all NGO’s and other organizations by promoting organic farming as compost? They are promoting global warming. Compost manure is more dangerous than chemical fertilizers. So, I have taken the decision not to continue compost utilization and stopped this compost organic farming.

Foreign (Videshi) Vermicompost technology is more dangerous than atom bomb. How? –

In those days there was wide spread discussions and debates about vermicompost technology throughout the world. In those discussions, so many NGO’s and social organizations were taking leading part. I have taken the details about the vermicompost technology and promoter NGO’s. I have demanded all available literature about this technology and studied well. After reading and study, I was surprised that this vermicompost technology is not Indian swadeshi technology, it is 100% foreign (Videshi) technology, and the leaders of swadeshi (Patriotic) nationalist movement in India are promoting very seriously this foreign (Videshi) vermicompost technology. What a miracle people are these? I found that so many (not all) non-government agencies (NGO’s), some social organizations and some spiritual organizations are taking millions of rupees funds from national international funding agencies to promote this organic farming means vermicompost technology and this funding is a alone source for their activities. Then, question arises, how this vermicompost technology was developed and at last, how it was reached in India?

There was serious discussion in the scientific area in Europe and USA that, which food we are eating, in that food so many poisonous heavy metals like Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury and Lead (Shisha) residues are coming, what is the source? On this issue lot of search and research has been done by scientists and after too much research and study, they found that these poisonous heavy metals are coming in the food through chemical fertilizers, which are utilized to the crops in chemical farming. Later on, it is seen that these heavy metals are coming in our food through organic farming also. There are so many groups of scientists who are lightening the light on this issue of heavy metals residues coming in the food. Whether it is true or false that these heavy metals are coming in food, I have started to search out, which scientists’ groups have done the search and research work on this issue and what are their findings. In this searching process, what I got in my hand, I am forwarding to you. I do not know whether these findings of scientists are correct or not. I am not scientists, I am illiterate innocent farmer. So, scientists should have to investigate those findings scientifically in the laboratory, so that we can confirm. Some findings of variable groups of scientists are as follows-

1) Pulitzer prize winner American Journalist Duff Wilson had written one article in Seatle Times on 7 July 1997 – Chemical fertilizers are containing Uranium and other dangerous radioactive elements in small quantity.

2) Between 1990 to 1995 fertilizer companies accepted that 271 million pound of toxic waste including 69 types of toxic materials found in fertilizers.

3) Soil scientist John Mort Vebt studied the toxic compounds in chemical fertilizers for 30 years, he confirms that in 1996, 161000 tons of sludge from paper mills utilized in fertilizers. This waste has Cadmium and Lead. Also, steel waste has Zinc, Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Nickel, Dioxin and other toxins.

4) California Public Interest Research Group (CPIRG) and Safe Food and Fertilizers, Washington based organization examined chemical fertilizers and they found 22 toxic materials like Cadmium, Arsenic, Dioxin etc., are coming from steel company waste.

5) In 2002, August Lawrence, R. Curtis and Brian W. Smith found heavy metals in the fertilizers.

6) In 2012, Serpil Savci, assistant professor in Bio system, Engineering department in Bozok University in Türkiye wrote that chemical fertilizers are having majority of heavy metals like Hg, Cd, As, Pb, Ca, Ni & Cu and natural radio nuclides like Uranium-238, Thorium-232, Po-210.

7) In 2007, Nicholas Zamiska and Jame Spencer reported in the Wall Street Journal that China was greatly troubled by toxic elements in agriculture land and human food, causing variable deathful diseases.

8) In 2014, Baishy Karishma and Sarma, Hari prasad, Department of Environmental Science, Guwahati University, Assam wrote that some fertilizers and pesticides contain various level of heavy metals including Cadmium and Cu.

9) In 2014, in research report ‘Biomed Research International’, Deepmala Satpathy, M. Vikram Reddy and Soumya Prakash Dhal found higher level of concentration of heavy metals in paddy soil near Kalpakkam, Tamilnadu.

10) In 2010, Hussain Koori Mannil, Abdusalam A. K., Ratheesh Chandra, Department of Botany, Calicut University, Kerala found high level toxic elements in fertilizers and insecticides.

11) Two scientist’s Dr Ghirish and Dr Christensan showed from their research that this Eisenia Fetida worm have heavy metals like Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury in its body. They have shown from their research that this Eisenia Fetida worm has 331 ppm Lead and 670 ppm Zinc in its body. Scientific research has shown that the heavy metal contents in the Eisenia Fetida are directly proportional to the atomic weight of the soil, that means, more the quantity of vermicompost applied in the soil, that soil will be poisonous in that proportion.

12) Three scientist’s Dr Christensan (1973), Dr Ireland (1975) and Dr Van Hook (1974) they have fed the Eisenia Fetida to some animals and birds and they have found big amount of heavy metals in their body cells. Further, they have tested the soil samples from the soil, where vermicompost was applied and the soil where it was not applied. They have found the big amount of heavy metal contents are existed in the soil, where vermicompost was applied. But, in the soil where vermicompost was not applied, no heavy metal content was found. This report further shown that the Cadmium content in the worm Eisenia Fetida was 5.7 ppm and whereas in the soil it was only 0.35 ppm, that means 17 times more than the soil. The content of Lead 27 ppm, Zinc 317 ppm and Selenium 10 times more was found in this worm.

13) Dr Neilsen and Dr Gisseel (1975), Dr Dhennin Etail (1963) have shown from their research that this Eisenia Fetida is a transmitter for the virus, responsible for Foot and Mouth disease in the domestic animals. This Eisenia Fetida transmits many of the parasite and viruses responsible for the animal disease without affecting the life cycle of these parasites and viruses in from its body. This is very dangerous thing. It is also noticed that this Eisenia Fetida is the transmitter of the nematode and tapeworm, which destroy crops.

14) Dr. Brown and Dr Mitchell, 1981 have shown from their research that Eisenia Fetida reduces the percentage of the harmful germs Salmonella, which creates disease in the poultry. That means, this Eisenia Fetida eats the harmful germs Salmonella, stores it in its body and deposits it in its castings. When the farmers utilize this vermicompost, the germs enter the human body through the food material and affect the human health.

15) Dr Augustine, Dr Lund and Dr Jakavli Jevit (1974, 1975) have shown from their research that this foreign worm Eisenia Fetida transmits the parasite, nematodes, scaris suum in the pigs and Ascarrdia galli in chickens. There may be so many research work published or unpublished which show that this Eisenia Fetida is a danger for the human, animal, domestic animals, pigs and fish.

16) Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi has published a big English book – Hand book of Agriculture, Edition October 2013, 6th edition, in this book on page no 78, it is written that many fertilizers, phosphoric fertilizers contains so many poisonous heavy metals like Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Mercury, Nickel, Lead, which accumulate in the soil and cause long term effects on crop yield, quality, also, which damage soil micro flora. I think that, it is the 100% scientific evidence given by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, to prove that chemical farming and organic farming both are dangerous.

Which research papers may have been published by variable scientists about the destructive activities of this dangerous worm Eisenia Fetida, we have to find out and have to give available to mass people. Which reports I got, I have put in front of you. I am not scientist, I am simple illiterate farmer. So, it is not possible to investigate personally, I have so many financial limitations. But, those retired top scientists, who want to stop the destruction of all natural resources including human life, they have to come forward and have to investigate all realities scientifically. Common men have their constitutional right to know the truth. After studying these all reports, it is cleared that the poisonous heavy metals are coming in our food; the main source of these heavy metals is vermicompost which consume the heavy metals through the chemical fertilizers and chemical insecticides. After reading these scientific reports, it is cleared as the transparent sunlight that the heavy poisonous heavy metals are coming in our food. The main sources of these heavy metals are Vermicompost, Compost, in which, these heavy metals are coming through chemical fertilizers and poisonous insecticides. In chemically grown crops, these heavy metals are coming through chemical fertilizers and insecticides and are deposited. During vermicompost manufacturing manufacturing, which crop residues are utilized to feed this worm, they are eaten by this Eisenia Fetida worm and deposit in the vermicompost. When livestock animals eat these residues fodder of crops, these heavy metals are coming in the intestine and at last coming in the dung. When this dung is utilized to manufacture vermicompost, this Eisenia Fetida worm eat this dung of livestock animals, it lifts these heavy metals Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead, Chromium, through this dung and deposit in their vermicompost. Since 60 years, in entire world chemical farming is continued. During these 60 years what a huge heavy metals are deposited in the soil and in the residues of crops? It is clear that all these heavy metals are continuously coming in the crop produces, later in the food, this poison lose our immunity, we suffer by diseases, at last death. When this reality came to the people, a big discovery campaign was started in Europe and America to find out how much quantity of these poisonous heavy metals are existed in the residues of crops, came through chemical fertilizers and which bio monitor worm will be useful for this purpose, which is not eating soil, is eating residues of crops and dung. Because when we feed chemically grown fodder to the livestock animals, the heavy metals included in that fodder are coming in the dung. After continuous ten year searching campaign, scientists have found such type of worm in the European soil; they have given the name to this worm Eisenia Fetida. In the initial period, they have utilized this worm as a bio monitor to find out the quantity of heavy metals. At that time, the scientists have not any thought in their mind about the other utility of this worm.

During this period, a big mass movement was started in Europe and USA – No more chemicals; we want chemical free food, which was the name and slogan of that movement. This slogan was become too famous in Europe America. Some world famous NGO’s which are working very seriously on the environmental protection which have led this movement. Afterward this mass movement became widespread in Europe America. Print media and electronic media have given widespread coverage. As a result, there was a huge response from people. After observing the huge response, invisible universal exploiter system started to react and thought if this mass movement will reach up to each consumer and will spread throughout the world, then, the global farmers and urban consumers both will demand to ban the chemical farming. As a result, there will be great loss to this invisible universal exploiter system. For that purpose, this system thought that it has to give such alternative technology in the place of chemical farming, by utilization of this new technology, same impact of destruction and exploitation will happen, which is happening in now chemical farming. That means, which will destroy the natural resources like soil, water, environment, energy and biodiversity, will increase the global warming, will decrease the fertility of the soil, which will decrease the per acre production and which will increase the cost of production in multiple quantity than chemical farming. On other side, the fertility of soil will decreased, there will be huge emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which will increase the global warming and climate change, the crops will be severely damaged by this climate change, the cost of production of all crops will increase speedily, there will be great losses, the farmers will enter in the loan trap. As a result, the farmers will migrate in the cities. As a result, the industries and construction industry will get cheaper labour. The farmers will become totally dependant on market system, so rural economy will be exploited. As a result, exploitation can be done in multiple levels. This invisible universal exploiter system got such alternative technology in the form of one destructive worm Eisenia Fetida, in which all these destructive characters are existed.

This Eisenia Fetida worm, which eat the residues of crops, and dung, which deposits Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Lead like highly poisonous heavy metals in his castings, taking these heavy metals through straw residues and dung. This is its speciality. When you apply the vermicompost casting of Eisenia Fetida in the soil, these heavy metals are coming in the soil, the soil becomes poisonous, the fertility and live-ness (microorganisms) will be destroyed and humus will not be created in the soil. As a result, soil will become barren, due to loss of productivity, crops production will be reduced. Then farmers will again return towards previous high cost chemical farming, this type of prediction came in the mind of that invisible universal exploiter system. Then this system has utilized this destructive worm Eisenia Fetida to develop new technique, and at last that system has developed such type of alternative system – the name is given – vermicompost technology, a part of organic farming.

How Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) is originated, developed by Dr Subhash Palekar? –

Friends, up to now we have discussed the history of my journey of practicing and investigating all existing farming technologies from chemical farming to other techniques as organic farming, Yogic farming and Vaidik Farming and other all alternative farming technologies. At last, I have taken the firm decision to develop my new modern agricultural technology. I have studied minutely all these running technologies, then I have investigated these all technologies by practicing on my farm with comparative verification, which result I got; I have done the economic, social and spiritual valuation. At last I came on the conclusion that I have to develop such type of God gifted agricultural philosophy and technology which will totally different than existing technologies, in which, there will be no requirement of any manure and fertilizer, production will not be reduced, but will increase, there will be no destruction of all natural resources like soil, water, environment, energy, living being and other biodiversity, but all these natural resources will become prosperous, by which the global warming and climate change will be restricted, which will face firmly all natural calamities and adverse impact of climate change, will keep the production cost zero or minimum, but will increase the production, in which, farmers suicides and migration will be stopped, the people will get poison free food, pollution free water and environment, the people will not die by Corona, new strain of Corona, Cancer, Diabetes and Heart attack, and rural economy and national economy will not be exploited, keeping all these aims (targets) in front of my eyes, I have started my 12 year research work since 1988 to 2000.

During my university education, I was working on my one research project in tribal people, situated in Satpuda Mountain in central India. Subject of my project was – the overall direct indirect impact of forest ecosystem on the lifestyle of tribal people. During this tribal research work, I have seen that, there are huge trees, plants with uncountable fruits every year without any human existence and assistance in the forest. How these trees are giving these uncountable fruits, without human assistance? Which system of the God is working in this process in the forest? I was thinking deeply about the correct answer of these questions, which were emerged, in my mind continuously. At last, I thought that, I could get the correct answer for these questions from the dense forest, the natural constitution of God. Then it was finalized that the correct direction of my research work will show the finger towards the dense forest, the farming of the God, not with any agricultural university. Since 1973 to 1985, this 12 year period I have done the investigation of the utility or uselessness of traditional chemical farming, then during 1985, 1986 another 12 year period span, I have started the investigation of utility or uselessness of ancient indigenous traditional cow dung manure based farming, organic farming, Fukuoka natural farming, Veda’s farming, Yogic farming and other related farming technologies. Also during 1986-1987 in these two years my scientific minute study of forest natural system was also continued. Both projects were continued together. During these two years after doing detailed study of forest eco system in the nature at Satpuda mountain, as it was my secret mission, not aware by my family also, I have tried to discover the secrets of nature and at last I got maximum answers of so many questions, which were raised and were continuously dancing in my mind and were doing upset to me.

Starting of actual research work on my farm –

Within these two years minute study of forest, what I got in the forest, I studied all these findings (observations) with comparative scientific and truthful analysis. I got correct direction of my incoming future research work through these findings. Then I divided my entire research work in 154 experiment projects according to soil types, crop pattern, photo intensity, symbiosis, biological control, varietal trials and local cow based trials. This research work was started by me on two pieces of my 18-acre land. Then I started my real research, it was continued since 1988 to 2000, continuous 12 year. In these 154 projects, I started to investigate the actual result of variable Naxatras (approximately one naxatra – 14-15 days), of variable charanas (One naxatra has 4 Charanas), in variable seasons (Rutu), in the Shukla Paksha (from the days of no moon means Amawas up to full moon- Pornima), in the Wadhya paksha (from full moon Purnima up to no moon means Amawas), on variable crops. Again, I started to investigate that what is the result of soil mulching, straw mulching and live mulching (Intercrops and mixed crops) on the variable stages of crop growth, the comparative study of local seeds, straight line varieties, improved varieties, hybrid varieties and later recently genetically modified seeds on the crop production. Simultaneously, I started the minute study of this research work on financial parameters favourable and also adverse results. I was doing continuous critical evaluation, analysis and scientific validation of my all research trials. I was continued my research work up to 12 years since 1988 to 2000 continuously since morning 6:30 to evening 7:30 every day.

For example, I will give the details of my one project among total 154 projects, so that you will be aware about the deepness and vast space of the research. For example, in Cotton main crop, variable intercrops like cotton + Pearl millet (Bajra) + Green gram, Cotton + Black gram + Pearl millet, Cotton + Pearl millet + Cow pea (Chawali- Barbati), Cotton + Moth bean (Mataki) + Pearl millet, Cotton + Pearl Millet + Horse gram (Kulith), Cotton + Pearl millet + Beans (Kharif), Cotton + Maize + Cow pea + Pigeon pea, Cotton + Chilli + Black gram + Maize + Pigeon pea, Only Cotton alone- no intercrops control plot, Cotton + Pigeon pea – no other pulses intercrops, Pigeon Pea only – no intercrops control plot, Pigeon pea + Green gram, Pigeon pea + Ground nut, Pigeon pea (Arhar – Tur) + Black gram, Pigeon pea + Cow pea, Pigeon pea + Black gram + Pearl millet, Pigeon pea + Green gram + Cow pea + Maize, Pigeon pea + Cow pea + Sorghum (Jowar) + Green gram, Pigeon pea + Little millet + Cow pea. So many trials. Second trial was in main cotton crop result of the mulching of Pearl millet plants residues cut down on every 15 days (Naxatra) on the variable stage of cotton growth, at the stage when heads are come out, at the stage of flowering stage of the heads of pearl millet, at the milking stage of the seeds of pearl millet, at the matured stage of pearl millet seeds in the heads. That means in variable stages of Pearl millet growth, I was cutting the Pearl Millet crop and those residues were mulched immediately in between two lines of Cotton crops. Same trial on Pigeon pea main crop was done. Also, the trials on the density of straw mulching 3 inch, 4.5 inch, 6 inch, 9 inch, 1 foot and 1.5 foot, their results on the main crop, the variable diversity of insects and organisms under mulching having variable density of mulching; comparative observations, analysis and evaluation was continuously done. At every stage, observation of Cotton growth given by the mulching, analysis of those observations, writing all these observations in my diary every day. I have done this type of research experiments in all dry land and later on straight on the farmer’s farms irrigated crops. All 154 projects were continued in same line of research, observations, analysis and findings (results). Since morning, 6:30 to evening 7:30 continuous research work was going on. There was continuous discussion and debates on my research madness in my village and surrounding villages. The people were totally upset and at last, they declared that Subhash Patil (Palekar) became mad. Basically, this comment of the people about my madness was distinction for me.

Financial crisis during research work –

I had decided not to take any financial support from anybody for my research work before starting of actual research work. Since my childhood, my mother has given me direction that, in any stage of our family financial position, even in critical financial poor stage also, if you will have no money, do not demand any financial support from anybody, whether, they are strongly willing to give the financial support to you also. I am following this direction of my mother today also. I do not demand anything to anybody and I do not take my honorarium of my workshop or seminar, I am giving my services free. May be, you are unknown that how much too costly is research work. When you take variable trials, comparative observations, we want huge labour, but there is no any surety of production. Because, we do not do the experiments for production. You have to sow the seeds and have to cut down the germinated plants every four days (Charana) or 15 days (Naxatra) to find out the result of straw mulching. How we can expect the production? What the income I was getting from my other land, through that income only my family expenditure was maintained. But huge expenditure of research work was done through the loan taken from moneylenders and by selling the golden ornaments of my wife (Chanda) and by selling my 10 acre best land. To continue any research work for 12 year, it is not easy task. My wife was daughter of big landlord, but she has completely adjusted this poor financial condition very well during my research work. She and my both son Amol and Amit have adjusted themselves with this too much adverse financial condition and high-level psychological tension. They have strongly supported me and my research work in that situation of my life stage, where my all friends and close relatives have boycotted me indirectly. She has given me Himalayan support. But, she is no more today to see the truthful results of her full devotion, dedication and her great selflessness.

Psychological crisis during my research work –

To continue research work by selling the land and ornaments, my behaviour was pure madness for the people and their so called social view. I was indirectly declared the mad person, directly no body was torching me. In the daily discussions of the villagers and relatives, my research work was the centre point. Later on, this slander (Ninda- Aalochana) was converted in the scorn (Tiraskar). I was observing these changes silently. My family became totally disturbed mentally and financially and thrown alone. Because of this critical condition to keep them away from this social criticism, at last, I sent my wife; sons, father and mother at my residence at district place Amravati, so that they will not be disturbed more. Now I was alone in my village. I was helpless. May be Lord Krishna has given the definition of undisturbed totally stable, steady, firm, cool and calm mind, in Indian word this condition of mind is called Sthitpradhynata (being tranquil even in the condition of extreme happiness or unhappiness) in Bhagavat gita, a holy script of Indian ancient spiritual culture, but, it was not possible to me to maintain this Sthitpradhyanata of my mind in these totally adverse conditions. As a result, there was continuous flow of good and bad thoughts in my mind, later those bad thoughts were converted into the thought of suicide myself. But, as this suicide thought was emerged in my mind, immediately the face of my wife and sons were coming in my mind, requesting me, no, no suicide. At that critical time of my life, my both sons Amol and Amit were small, but, were more sensible and judicious, understood this critical condition very well. As the thought of suicide was emerging in my mind, immediately the face and total devotional dedication of my wife Chanda in me any work path of creative work, was floating in my mind and on the screen of my internal soul, and that suicidal thought was dissolving in the past and present was cleared, my resolution (Sankalp) of research work was becoming more firm (steady and solid). My wife Chanda was always encouraging me that you (myself) are not doing this creative work for your benefits, not for our earning, what we are doing that is done only for giving the firm solid solution for human society, animals, birds, insects, micro-organism, for entire biodiversity, may be our research work is madness for people, but, we are not committing any sin (Pap) or disobedience of constitution of India or any law, we are not doing any damage to anybody, so, do not excite your mind, go ahead, may be the God is taking our test, we have to give this test examination taken by the God with 100% success, it will be real pray to God, it will be the path towards best principles of best human that means religion (Natural constitution) financial saturation, aim and final beatitude- Dharma, Artha, Kaam and Moksha. This adverse time will be finished, as after dark night, sun rises, you please continue your research work’. Because of this Himalayan support of my wife Chanda and both sons Amol and Amit, I was become successful in passing this too much critical test examination taken by the God.

Emergence of philosophical structure of old Zero Budget Natural (Spiritutal) Farming –

Which good or bad experiences I got in my life, it was the earning of my last birth (Sanchit) and on that base foundation of my this Sanchit (Last birth earnings) I am building the big palace of my current life work (Karma), so, new prosperous luck, fate (Naseeb) is creating now of my current life, may be it is the desire of God. After (1988 to 2000) long 12 year research work tour, at last, the God has given the reward (fruit) of my 12 year hard austere penance (Tapascharya) in my hand in new year (Gudipadawa) in 2000 in the form of new ultra-modern distinctive and unique philosophy, principles and methodology, I have given name – Zero Budget Natural Farming. A reward (fruit) given me by the God, was not expected by me. Because, result is not in my hand, only creative work is in my hand, but it is also a reality, we get the reward (fruit) for any unexpected work (Nirapeksha Karma), if that work is based on truth and non-violence. In Bhagawat Gita, Yogeshwar Shrikrishna says to confused and bewildered Arjuna about our expectations that –

कर्मणेवाधिकारस्ते मा फलेषु कदाचन
मा कर्मफल हेतुर्भुर्मा ते संगो स्तकर्माणि

you have the right to do your work (Karma), but are not having any right to expect the fruits or impact of your work. Without any expectation you continue your mission of work (effort). The God will give you the actual impact of your mission (Karma), not you will earn. I was sure that, definitely I will not earn myself but I will get new solution. Because, when I was in critical psychological torn in my mind, an internal voice was coming up from my invisible soul and was telling me, that don’t become excite, go ahead without any fear, everything will become correct according to desire and time table designed by God.

तस्मादसक्त: सततं कार्य कर्म समाचर
असक्तो ह्या चरणकर्म परमाप्नोति पुरुष:

Meaning is that any expectation or craving in the result of your mission (Karmaphal) becomes speed breaker on your path, so, continue your work mission without any expectations of result or fruit of your work mission- Lord Krishna guides me. Now my atheist and hypocrite friends will not believe in this incoming internal voice of the soul, the prime minister of God. I cannot give the scientific evidences about this internal voice and not necessary also. But, it is existed, we feel it every moment, it is an invisible dialogue with the invisible God through the internal invisible but non deniable soul. This dialogue is called contemplation with deep meditation (Chintan-Manthan) in Indian philosophy.

ज्ञानं परगुह्यंमेयदिव् ज्ञानं समन्वितम

The knowledge about our soul and invisible God is too much mystery and inexplicable, but not deniable. So, I am not trying to know this mystery. Because my internal soul is giving me this knowledge. My contemplation (Dialogue with God) has given me the philosophical constitution (Structure) to my methodology. So, I have included the word natural and spiritual farming in the name of Zero Budget Natural (Spiritual) Farming. This name is become famous.

I claimed that my philosophy and methodology is updated totally new ultra-modern, because, it is. In the 12000-year history of human agriculture, every technology developed by human civilization for agriculture was claiming that manure and fertilizers are the food of the roots of every crop, so, it is most essential to utilize in large quantity. Subhash Palekar Zero Budget Natural Farming methodology now Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) is the first method of farming in entire 12000 year of history of farming that none of any manure and fertilizer is the food of root of any crop or tree, so, not necessary to utilize. There is God created methodology of God, which is only 100% responsible for best growth, development and production of crop or tree. So, to use any manure or fertilizer is not natural and spiritual behaviour of human, it is 100% atheism, Zero Budget Spiritual Farming (ZBNF) now Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) is not old technique, it is modern philosophy and methodology of agriculture.

Creation of mass movement after finishing the research campaign –

During my research work, since 1994 I was writing my articles on my research every month for continuous five years in famous popular Marathi agricultural magazine ‘Baliraja’, which was published at Pune by chief editor Shri. Prabhakar Bhosale and which was read throughout Maharashtra, Goa, Gujarat, Karnataka, and Madhya Pradesh by Marathi speaking farmers. It was a big series of my articles, which became popular. These reader farmers and farming related organizations were waiting for me for my lectures and workshops. So, I decided that what the divine message the God has given in my hand, it becomes my commitment to forward it (My methodology) to other huge global farmers and consumers also. Because, I am a postman or you can say messenger only, the God has given the letter (message) on my hand, my duty is to give forward this letter to the address owner means to the farmers, as well as to the consumers. My first 12-year mission since 1973 to 1985 was to find out the reality whether Green revolution is an actual revolution or it is a big fraud and pre-planned conspiracy to exploit our economy. Later on in second term of twelve-year research work, my second 12-year part of my mission since 1988 to 2000 of my research work, it was my mission, it is now completed. Now second phase of mission was to leave my village forever and go to the people to spread out this message of God. To stay in the village, it will be my selfishness to be entangled in my land, in my house, in my farming and in my village. That means, I have to leave my village forever and go to global people on the new mission to spread out this philosophy and methodology throughout the world. I will not myself sacrifice, because, it was my commitment, which was given by God in my closed fist of my hand at my birth time. God has given the two aims (commitments) in my closed hands at my birth time 1st July 1949 to give my best services for only exploited people and to save the God created nature and strengthen it. Seventy percent exploited global people are farmers, labours, workers and jobless youth. Without leaving the village forever, it will not possible to me to give my free services to these exploited people. At last, in 2001, I left my village forever, not returned back then up to now, even after sinking my village in Bembala Dam water project; I have not built up my new home in new rehabilitee village also. Since 2001 to 2012, this period was my 12-year third span of my extension work and of building strong mass movement in the nation. Now, since 2013 my fourth span of movement is continued to spread our mass movement up to every farmers and every consumer in India up to 2024 for 12-year fourth span.

One social worker in his town near Pune arranged my first lecture, when I was sub editor of Baliraja Marathi magazine in 1997 at Pune. But the real starting point of this movement was my first three days’ workshop in the Bidar district of Karnataka state, which was organized by well-known farmers movement organization in South India, Karnataka Rajya Rayat Sangha, in the leadership of late Baswaraj Tambakhe, late Putannaiah and Chukki Nanjundswamy, daughter of world famous well known farmers movement leader and founder of Karnataka Rajya Rayat Sangha Dr Nanjundswamy. There was a great impact of that workshop on the Rayat Sangha and as a result, this Karnataka Rayat Sangha had organized my workshops throughout Karnataka. Then it was spread speedily in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Kerala. Now it is spread in Central India, Western India, Northern India and North East India, means throughout India, and in foreign also. This mass movement now is automatically spreading throughout the world. Because it is the desire of the God and also demand of the time. Now this movement has become so extensive in the world by myself written books in all languages including English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Gujarati and my so many videos in all languages including in English are available on YouTube and by social media, that now, United Nations Organization (UNO), FAO, Indian Government, NITI Aayog, last Telugu Desham Andhra Government, BJP lead Himachal Government, BJP lead Gujarat Government, BJP lead Haryana Government, Last Karnataka Government (Congress-Janata dal), Kerala CPIM Government have taken the notice seriously and are practicing seriously throughout state level, spreading message towards every village. Millions of younger educated farmers and jobless youth through entire world are downloading my videos from YouTube, which are available in English, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam languages and are studying seriously and adopting. Also millions of city customers throughout the world are studying my 2 days back to nature workshop in English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada videos from YouTube and starting Subhash Palekar Krushi on their terraces, balconies, windows and vacant spaces in the housing societies. My screen video workshops are going on 25 days in a month; I am taking my workshops which are organized by state Government, farmers organization, social organizations, spiritual organizations and NGO’s in entire India and abroad in all languages continuously. Myself written so many books in English, Hindi, and Marathi are read throughout India and all these books are translated in all Indian major languages. We are organizing continuously best models visit tours regularly throughout India. That means, this movement is become now real mass movement. Our best model farmer’s miracle SPK model farms are our open universities and owner farmers are open vice-chancellors. Our workshop halls and open workshop places are our university conference halls. So, we have already started our open university, which is open for all, may be belonging to any religion, cast, philosophy and any political party. And also open mouth publicity and social media are our actual print newspaper and electronic media, working without demanding any single rupee from our mass movement. Near about 40 lakh (4 million) farmers are practicing Subhash Palekar Krushi (SPK) throughout the nation. The opponent great walls are now fallen down automatically and opponents are becoming friendly, supporters and followers. The God gifted path is becoming clear now, so, I am seeing my aim transparently. One time during my research time I was alone, helpless, having all big forces in opposition, were restricting my path Journey. But, my path is now automatically cleared, we are walking, followers are coming, who will come with them, who will not come, without them our movement became first small streams, then became river, then become sea, in future- may be become ocean.